Show ciol bood good tipe 00 itna ad good paper we have the ca wi od od the woran for you nd two gir gra do of bova 4 niety 0 let us u abw yom DR J B chiropractor at price moriji mommy and afeei iii parater we eaf r block at help r evenings er help er state bank TIME TO ORDER A FALL SUIT i i in ili and look over oin samples and hen pick i loth all aud lettire that suit ou get bour our I 1 all made to older and have an outfit that looks I 1 k ii it inas as made foi fol ou and not foi fot 11 that I 1 ill I 1 I 1 aye ave it neilt noi but the best tailor tallon work ork ou on il II I 1 I 1 til tirs s me c haw hn made to bour the mil it ml I 1 I 1 depe depend lids on oil our selection yon you can have t as good ae ou oa rt it but none of our goods r I 1 11 i ining freming preming preg shig nud find repairing by experts acme cleaners ec tailors EAST MAIN STREET PRICE UTAH foods cod PRICE UTAH PHONE of interest to you an i busi neati trans transaction adion ins bas been concluded ali t f ii i idelt it ou oil I 1 lause ca ue it eiery farmer in t tl s 1 alit it tin thi from froin ivoin on oil ine c aill 1 kandle the tull full t I 1 ii i ot maclinden macli nien mccormick AND DEERING harvesting PARLIN AD D OrDEN ODENDORF DORP PLOWS I 1 0 01 I 1 I 1 now these immel yoi yol father nul and r lne civill ni before on oil loll 1011 talie tahe no dunce e IN bell b ma wat luncie anade by the international HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA order your repairs now from tho coo PRICE UTAH united un cited states fuel company Com pair JL I 1 y Ope operating ratin p mines at MOHRLAND HIAWATHA I 1 BLACK HAWK and PANTHER Pj capacity opaCity tons fly I 1 la x S Is all ne are shar baring ying lor for typewriter two olor alor a o lor ribbons purple or black for all makes 0 11 we have secured a bew source of supply and are ibl ible to sell you a better bette ribbon today at 75 cents than hu been sold at 1 new shipment of carbon paper adding machine piper small I 1 edgers day books cash books and other office supplies 0 W A PRICE UTAH L EV EVERY ERY TRUE AMERICAN I 1 SHOULD HAVE A L B B A E E R L T y L L r the most appropriate home savings baick tor for all people open a i savings Z account for or more and get let one CARBON COUN COUNTY FY BANK UTAH am SPRING CANYON COAL COMPANY miners and shippers of the celebrated spring 1 l canyon C a n y 0 ii coal mines ot at storrs utah general ohice office newhouse building salt lake city utah uta h CARBON POOL HALL THE RIGHT KIND OF A PLEASURE RESORT the place you should visit chen you want to play pool or billiards get a refreshing raft dank or a good cigar in clean congenial surroundings surround inge pay us a visit FRANK AND JOE WELSH props plan A ACM your Y our XMAS X MAS SHOPPING M I 1 0 what nicer presents than IRONS HOT POINT IRONS WASTERS 10 ASTERS GRILLS PLATE STOVES RANGES CLEANERS WASHERS AU AR electrical eastern Ems utah electric co price utah jollia and t we 4 IWAR t 9 |