Show US 1 candidates I A NT MAKE MAKEE mm VOTES HERE the eko theatre wag aas crowded last arila night alth ft ath people anxious to icar lour ron don doll B C cuoi citon iton candidate for confess centres cen con tres ress as a he flayed the present form of the league of nations mid pointed jointed out the follies of the demo cratte administration the speaker stilted that be he was not so much op oil posed to the tile idea contained in the league ue us to the nav that idea had lad been worked out ho lie paid 1 cular atto it tion to article AI that under tinder it ftp the united state states would liae to furnish men and money moncy for all foitl ga gri wars aars tl ti at under other clauice clau ece the united state states would be mixed in lit cery every form of foreign ire rol lem lern and that it was as a league for war in its it resent form of a league for pi ste ilia ilis tah tall was vins clear and straight on this big Iro problem blent end and nan people saw things in fit a new ligh ile aloo cle de deatel 0 led otel sev erdl minutes to the wasteful begs and masuso of tar tax money by tl c democrat democrats 11 71 called attention to tl tie 0 expenses of the war honing tic lillions lill loni of lo llara gone for noti lag ing wl NI ih ith ener proved of I 1 benefit ile 1 made many lotee oleo while whilo in the city N 1 D button candidate for state wai was introduced to tile nit clience but on account of thi into late hour he ile dil not macd nu all lie awl mr colton tad lad been taken to castle gate the evening before and alere thor made mans frienda at a hastily planned hu in argo and rail rall C it X procup pr cup wa was the other speaker of the tire cloning evening nt at the eko lie ile stated that the aig 1 ig local problem for the tile republicans was the tile ticket nom anatel I 1 talat day tie tl a nominee nominees were on tie tl e platform and were pointed out as 8 trong figures tn in the county and n perfectly a capable of gluing giving a square an all I 1 efficient administration Di liKht ful music appropriate to the occasion vt was as rendered I 1 ly y a malo male quartet bartet uart et and by a chorus of high hoot girls A IV Ilo raley wae chairman but as a the meeting did not begin until 9 30 he dil not male mao an aldress |