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Show Supporters of Mrs. Decker Score Point ST. LOUJS. May 23. Tho most important import-ant action taken at today's session of th convention of tho General Federation of Women's clubs was the voting down of a motion to Instruct the nomination committee com-mittee to report two names for each office This Is regarded as a victory for tho supporters sup-porters of tho candidacy of Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker for president. Tho first order of business of tho General Gen-eral Federation of Women's Clubs today will bo the report of thc nominating committee. com-mittee. The election this year will bo by ballot and thc polls will bo opftn from 2 until 6 p. m. It Is generally conceded that Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Colorado Colo-rado Is thc most formldablo candidate for president. Her forces aro well organized and it was staled yesterday at St. Louis by persons In a position to know that the victory of tho Decker faction In defeating defeat-ing tho motion Instructing tho nominating nominat-ing committee to present two names for all elective offices moans that only Mrs. Decker's name will bo put bofore the convention by the committee. It is possible pos-sible that thore may be nominations for president from the (lo. of tho convention, conven-tion, but thoso will bo more In tho nature na-ture of complimentary notices, nnd it Is not believed that sufficient organization prevails to defeat Mrs. Decker. |