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Show FIGHTERS READY FOR THE GONG Backers of Ring Sport Anticipate a Good Contest Between McCarthy and Sieloff. JERRY M'CARTIIY will meet Otto Sieloff In a twenty-round Marquis of Quccnsberry bout this evening at tho Salt Palace theater. This afternoon at 3 o'clock the fighters will weigh In, and at tho same time they will bo examined exam-ined by the club's physician. Each man must come under the 144-pound limit or forfeit $1(0 now on deposit. This will be the second local battle in which these two havo clashed, and from all appearances this contest promises to bo a crackajack. Sieloff, the victor In the last contest, failed to score a knockout, knock-out, but he declares he will surely Bend McCarthy Into the land of nod tonight. With equal confidence McCarthy declares ho will be tho winner, und ho hopes by putting Sieloff out of tho business to regain re-gain his former reputation. Jerry Is now In the best of condition, and his trainer. Frank S. Lewis, says If his man doesn't win It will bo because Sieloff possesses the harder punch and the superior staying qualities. For the last six weeks Jerry has been training faithfully. faith-fully. Ho has finished his training. Yesterday Yes-terday he engaged in d few light stunts in order to avoid that "fltalo" condition into which highly-trained fighters aro in danger of falling. The contest is for twenty rounds and to a decision. Wlllard Bean, tho popular referee, will officiate. Patsy Jlogan of Chicago and "Hap" Reed of Ogden, who defeated "Cub" Baer In a clever bout last Wednesday night, will go on for an eight-round eight-round preliminary. The first preliminary Is billed for S p. m. sharp. Sieloff Is Certain. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN, May 23.-OHO Sieloff and his manager, Jimmy Burns, will leave for Salt Lake In the morning. Sieloff Is In tho pink of condition and says ho feels confident confi-dent ho will whip the Walkervllle pet. Ho has been working hard ever since hla nr-, rival here, and big crowds havo assembled at McCoy's gymnasium dally to watch his work. A big crowd will go down on tho special train tomorrow evening lo see tho fight. |