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Show New York Pool-Rooms Pool-Rooms Raided Crusade Against the Gamblers in Gotham Is Now on in Earnest. NEW YORK, May 23. Police Com-mlslsoner Com-mlslsoner McAdoo continued his crusade against gamblers today by ordering every suspected poolroom pool-room in Manhattan borough raided. Police details led by Inspectors or precinct pre-cinct captains, entered no less than 300 places beforo the raids were finished. The Police Commissioner, In his Instructions, In-structions, told his Inspectors to raid every place under suspicion and to enter poolrooms previously raided. In scores of places no men and not even a telephone Instrument was found. Chief Inspector Brooks directed the raid the biggest In Manhattan In years and after It was over and reports had been received, announced that In forty-five of the places sixteen prisoners prison-ers had been taken, 120 telephones ripped out and two telegraph Instruments Instru-ments confiscated. The gamblers were down-hearted, the police Jubilant, although al-though the result of the raids were not an great as had been expected. Inspector Brooks said he was carrying carry-ing out Commissioner McAdoo'a orders. "We have everything In our favor now, and we are not going to let things rest." One of the places visited In the lower section of Manhattan, It Is said, was a racing exchange, and hero nine tele-phoneo tele-phoneo nnd many racing sheets were confiscated by the police. In another place twenty telephones were found, and In a third eleven were taken out. In one place on Broadway, opposite the postofilce, the police were forced to climb from the roof of a building down to the third floor on a fire escape. They found twenty-one telephones but no person inside. The place evidently had been vacated In haste. Capu Hayes of the Forty-seventh street station descended on seven suspected sus-pected poolrooms, breaking the doors at several places. No arrests were made and the Captain said later: "Somebody "Some-body must have given them the tip. No one was found In any of the places." The raids covered the district from Forty-second street to the battery'. |