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Show WATER MEETING IN UTAH COUNTY CITIZEN'S of Utah county will hold a meeting Wednesday night at American Ameri-can Fork, for thc purpowc of rccclv-. rccclv-. Ing Informntfon and considering in a general way thc greater Utah irrigation schemo promulgated by tho Utah Arid Land commission and adopted by tne Government Gov-ernment to thc extent of undertaking the prullmlnary work. Information ln regard to the work contemplated will be presented present-ed for the benefit of those who attend the meeting by State Engineer Doremus and Attorney F. S. Richards of this cltv, than who no other two men In thc State nro better Informed concerning the practical Uoni n"d ,eSaI nolnt8 o lhe Proposl-This Proposl-This win be the first meeting to be held In tho Interest of thc big project, and It will be Important as Indicating tho attitude atti-tude toward it of one representative community. com-munity. It would seem, however, that there could be hardly n doubt concerning thlg attitude. So lnrge n proportion of thc InndH to be affected by the project are entirely without water, and' thc benefits to be derived from securing a supply of water are so much greater when measured In dollars and cents than thc probable cost, that It Ib almost certain that every land owner will be only too glad to do what he can to push the great work along. That this will be the case Is evidenced evi-denced by tho Interest alrcaxlyv shown by those who have discussed thc project ln any way. and It Is believed that the only necessity for holding meetings will be that tho water users may be made acquainted with what Is required of them In the premises. Following the American Fork meeting, other meetings will bo held ln Cache county coun-ty "and other districts Interested In the project. At these first meetings no attempt at-tempt at organization will be made, tho present object being only to make tho farmers acquainted with the details of thc proposition, then giving them time to consider con-sider well the lines upon which thc organizations or-ganizations for dealing with the Government Govern-ment are to be effected. |