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Show i Sj - Operetta. "Little Bo-Peep," and m dance at Dignan's Thursday evening, j j May 26. S.JO o'clock Short's orchestra, j -Mi Admission. 30c; children, 25c, IHOw't WINi HUSBAND. Woman's sphere in this 20th century is not limited any more thau is man's. .She tan occupy almost any business position or profe&sion, and yet the popular view of xvomaohood is that she be9t fits the position posi-tion o( wife and mother aud head of the household. Every girl should know her heart and also know that her womanly eysteni 19 equal to the strain of marriage. It a girt isnurvont? and irritable teu chances : to one it is due to some trouble peculiar to womanhood. Cupid has no place in r. girl's heart if he is nervous and irritable, fecl3 dragged down, worn out for no reason that she can tmnk of. The weak back, dizzy spells and black circles about the eyes arc only symptoms. symp-toms. Go to the source of the trouble and correct the irregularity. Stop the drains on the womanly system and the other . lymptoms will disappear. This can bo tf)Bj lone easily and intelligently. So 6ure of - the world'B Dispensary Medical Asao- IWt- u'on, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Fa-IB Fa-IB Prescription, that they offer $500 reward for women who cannot be cured of f3B 'i.eucorrhca, female weakness, prolapsus, or fSfm &liln15 of the womb. All they ask ls a fair j5IB' LaBd reasonable trial of their means of cure, yfm, "Your 'ravorlte Prescription' cured me ot mm, wcmUon und htilainniatloti, from -which I suf-'K'aB' suf-'K'aB' l?A 'or nmuy years," vnt Mrs. Delphla mm. Wnenton, President Satitn Barbara Lawn Tep- ' Ciub, Arlington Hotel, Santa Barbara, Calif. oPBfL v taltl1 completely broken down when I feBrb ' tzia it m: a-nd I was in dreadful pain most JfWi . llmc bal lcn Titles cured me." m "pQ'orite Prescription" makes weak , Jm women strong, sick women well. Accept ,ao substitute for the medicine which works ,;t wonders for weak women. UK , . D.r- Pierce's Pleasant Pellcln are the most 2T 1' I' Iac8irable latativc for delicate women. 1 TEACHERS' RATES WEST Via Oregon Short Line, May 30th and 31st and June Sth and 9th as follows: Salt Lake to San Francisco and return re-turn ?SC50 Los Angeles and return 51.00 Portland or Spokane and return... 3C.50 Limit, DO days; stop-ovciu going. Ask agents about routes, etc. FIRST IDAHO EXCURSION Via Oregon Short Lino, Saturday, June 11. One fare for round trip to princlpnl northern Utah and Idaho points. See agents for full particulars par-ticulars regarding limits, etc. City ticket office, 201 Main street, Salt Luke. EXCURSION TO PR0V0 Thursday, May 26. The Social club will give a select dancing party at Mozart Hall. Special train leaves Salt Lake at 7:00 p. m. via San Pedro; returning, leaves Provo after af-ter dance. Only'?1.25 for round trn ONLY $2.00 TO EUREKA AND RETURN Via San Pedro. Visit Tinllc; special excursion via Salt Lake route Sunday May 29th; train leaves Salt Lake at 8:15 a. m. Baseball game between the Invincible Cleveland Commission team and the Eureka Blue Rocks; J5D0 side bet. See a genuine ball game. ALL TEACHERS KNOW WHAT? That the Burlington Route 19 the best line to St. Louis, Chicago, Omaha. Kan-vtva Kan-vtva City and all points East. We have through car service to all these points. Call or write for particulars, R. F. Neslen, Nes-len, Genl. Agt., 79 West 2nd South SL SPECIAL TOURIST CAR FOR TEACHERS 1 Via Rio Grande and Burlington Route, May 30, From Salt Lako City to St. Louis. Send In your names for reservations. Rate, per double berth. 51.G0. Cull up telephone No. G19 or write office, No. 79 West Second South street. j Dancing Saltulr Wednesday, May 25. j D2Tr?SLY KIDNEY CATARRH !: 'I DOCTORS AND FRIENDS pC mi fkj 4 SAVEd1; I '"H DESPAIRED-- I LHIIJBl 1 HIM. j j TH ' - MR. GEORGE KING. 1 Only recent medical investigation has rovealed tho fact that catarrh . ( responsible for most of the diseases of the kidneys. Many people don't get well because they fail to use tho catarrh cu; n, f !' ilTL GEORGE KING. Deputy Sheriff of Rensellacr Co., N. Y.( for years was a well known merchant of Troy. In a letter from No. 45 King St., Troy, N. Y., he writes; ' "Peruna cured me from what tho doctors were afraid vould turn into Bright's Disease, after I had suffered with catarrh of the bladder and kidney trouble. "Peruna is a blessing to a sick man. Eight bottles made me a well man and were worth more than' a thousand dollars dol-lars to mc. I cannot speak too highly oflt. It ls now four years since I was troubled, and I have enjoyed perfect health since." George King. Catarrh of the Xidneys Cured by Pe-ru-na. Mr. J. G. Martin. 1228 St. Denl3 St.. Montreal, Que., Clerk In the Custom House, and Soloist Notre Dame Catholic Catho-lic church, writes: . "I contracted a heavy cold last winter win-ter which settled In my kidneys causing caus-ing me great pain and discomfort. At SPECIAL TOURIST CAR FOR TEACHERS Via Rio Grando and Burlington Route, May 30, From Salt Lake City to St. Louis. Send In your names for reservations. Rate, per double berth. $1.60. Call up telephone No. 619 or write ofilcc, No. 71) Weat Second South street. WOODMEN EXCURSION To American Fork, May 27, Via the D. & R. G. Special train leaves Salt Lake 7:45 p. m. A nice moonlight ride down the valley. Good music and dancing in the famous Apollo Hall. Everybody Invited. Fare only 51.00. Dancing Saltalr Wednesday, May 23. times the pains In my back were nn- ijf'" 1 'i bearable. I would have a peculiar diz- 'M; 'll J zlness In the head, and altogether I j; j fj IH was miserable. After trying many ?! 1 H remedies. I finally took Peruna, and f H the way It took hold of my trouble was . 41 iH marvelous. It cured mo so quickly,'-' , ''IH that I am glad to be able to write you "t i H of It, and I certainly will speak a good '' , i ! word for Peruna whenever I can." J. 'j 1 ijH G. Martin. , , jJH Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous .j. v lining of the kidneys, also called ,.' H "Bright's disease," may be either acute ,; , H or chronic. Tho acute form produces 'V ! symptoms of such prominence that ttmr ( serious nature of the disease is at ouco . , H suspected, but the chronic variety may -i ' 1 come on so gradually and insidiously ' i H that Its presence is not suspected nn- j ! til after it has fastened Itself thorough- ly upon its victim. ( At the, appearance of the first sj'mp- , , torn Peruna should be taken. This rem- . t ( I'H edy strikes at once at the very root of ' I i the disease. 'lH A book on catarrh sent free by The . i IH I Peruna Medicine Co.. Columbus. O. "! |