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Show AUTO IMPORTANT I FARMING FACTOR Forty-five Per Cent of Country's Coun-try's Yearly Output Are Sold to Farmers I'nrm equipment nowadays demands an automobile, one or more, to be complete In the early days of the automobiles, farmers looking upon them as "chic ken killers," little rea-lllzed rea-lllzed how Important tney would be-1 ;como In the agricultural districts We i often heard automobiles described "city machines," but how different :thc standing of the automobile today. I Forty-five per cent of the country's j automobiles are sold to farmers and residents Of small towns In addition to the utility service rendered farmers by the quick transportation to town, the Creamery or a neighbor's farm, It has done much to better living condl-, none on the farm. Distance Is eliminated elimi-nated and friends and relatives fifty miles away are brought near. The old bupkboard drawn by a willing team, had Its llmltaflons, and the family rig never did permit a very Ion ride. It once was an event for neighbors to drive In, horses tired and children sleepy; but now It Is a habit, with the, a ut omohile. Motion pictures have been made, easily accessible to the average farmer too It Is no task at all to drive Into town with an automobile, see the show and get back speedily and without ln-1 cldent And, too, the automobile has done' and is doing considerable to keep the boy' on the farm. Probably Iowa, of ali the big faimlng states, has taken to the automobile more than any other, state. The total number of automobiles automo-biles In Iowa, as of Jot). 1. 1 ft 20. was 849,686. Statistics tell us that the number of automobiles per capita In Iowa has virtually doubled during the I last five years. Iowa has one can for each six- Inhabitants. If at a given hour every Inhabitant of the state would pet Into an automo-l bile, not a soul In that state would be left behind. That shows how thc far- iver has taken ti the automobile, and.' unless It served him n a utility way. and benefited his family and added to their contentment, he would perhaps per-haps move slower In accepting 1L |