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Show I OTSlUlf" I BUDDIETO FARM I Ex-service Men Rapidly Tak ing Up Farming as a Life Training How jra gonna keep "cm down on i the Mmm With passenger cars. That's the answer of the Red Cross. LW tho Y. M C A . th Y. VV. C. A. nnd other social agencies which .ire trying to moke farm life so attractive that its young nu n won I make bee-line LWi tor Broadway as soon as they get the lirst pair of Iodk trousers The Rod Cross Is using one thousand Lm cars for rural nursing and home serv-! ice. This numher will Increase ,'s the work prows The Red Cross Is aiming to help local authorities in establishing health standards it la looking after LWm the Insurance and hack pay rights of LWi the returned soldier it is pushli LWi work In rural centers BO that the farm, boy will get the sam. degree of at-, LWA lent Ion as the man Horn the city, so LWl that farm life has the same sanitary Wm advantages of the city. In order to LWm reach the territory which a rural sec- ietary must cover, a passenger car Is needed. These are provided where Posslhlf ; anil 111 many places cars arc loaned for tho purpose MO I H 1 I IRM. LWm The way to keep the larmer from Wm moving to the city Is to move the city to the farm, 13 the belief of the V. M LWi C. A. There nre 900 county V. M. C.i A. secretaries In the United State! who, art motoring around country iond,s, 1 HBl bringing lectures athlei.ii mo- HBl tlon pictures, entertainments and ed- HBl ucation to school houser., parish houses HBl and other rural centers, of the 90t, 25 HBl have cars as part. of their equipment, JBl the remainder borrow t fcrs. HBl "A passenger car is an absolute ne- ccsslty for the country secretary," said HBl A E. Roberts, general secretary of the HBl Y. M. C. A. countv work, when intcr- HBl viewed. "Wc specify :i car as a part HBg of the ideal equipment of the county HBfl secretary. He needs It to cover the HBfl territory. Not all of our secretaries HBb have cars, but aU are working to- HBl ward that end; and In time each coun- HBh ty center will be woihtng to full cifl- HBb clency with a car. Yes, I hero are 3000 HBb counties in tho United States, so there HBl in unlimited room (01 expansion In this field." USE MAA'Y CARS The Y. M. C. A. la also using ser-J HBg eral hundred cars in city work. 60 ' HBfl enrs in Industrial cento s, and about HHh 100 cars in reconstruction work Hh HHV There are ninety count HHh dents of public welfare In North Car- HHfl ollna. the gieat majorlt) of whom own HHh passenger cars. These men serve as' HBfl organizers of county Improvements HHh along various linos, with special ref- crence to child welfare. The Y. W. C. A. hns 1183 branches V In the United States, of which 836 HH in cities, 64 In towns, 32 In counties HH and the remainder V branches. The Y cars !t is necessary for the "workers to V travel around and cover large dls- V tnnces. The only way to do this of-, BV ficlently Is b using cars," to quote V the headquarters office of tho Y. W. j HBB C. A. In New York. HBV In addition to us county recreation' V work. Community Service, Inc., is' BW looking after the wounded soldb 1 s .-, t BBB ,nc hospitals and in the large 1 BB n New York the wounded men are1 BBB taken for automobile rides, and to the! BBS ha" games In motor Bl Knights of Columbus are using pas- BBV scnger cars In their training schools' Co turned soldiers. |