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Show This Comfortable : K Robe n Garment Is Georgette Crepe I Fashioned of Embroidered in Embroidered With V, Designs of Gold. The Sleeves Are Finished by : . j Tasslls8' ( 7 ADY DUFF-GORDON, the famous ' Lucile" i of Silver Beads. vBf M Wife !( of London, and foremost creator of fashions in W ' I lrc world, writes each week the fashion article I - for this newspaper, presenting all that is newest and j 1 ... best m styles for well-drcfscd wome.i. & MgSp5 Lady Duff-Gordon's Paris establishments bring , J ?j$t vv k her into close touch with that centre of fashion. k yi tj&Ep --dy Duff-Gordon's American establishments are I , at N'os. 37 and 39 West Fifty-seventh street. New I Yo-k and No. 1 400 ..Ac Shore Drive. Chicago. A Combination A ' of Lace and I . (JlhirFon, With a Bolero I of Silver Lace. i - y C lU'0 lotcnjatlonnl Feature Sci-vut; Inc. Great Britain Rights Rrrved By Laay uff -Gordon C LUCILE") WITH Spring comes "Spring fever" With midsummer come Justifiably Justifi-ably lazy days For these lazy days arrives the need of lazy day gowns. But "lazy day gowns" though they be, they mut still be attractive No woman should ever allow herself to be seen In other than neat and beautiful attire. First of these lazy day comfortable gowns for warmest weather is thut woru by tno left-hand figure It is a draped, kimono-llko garment, comfortably loose, fashioned In georgette crepe embroidered with silver Two-thirds of tho kimono sleeves are composed of the heavy silver embroidery- They are finished by two large tassels of silver heads The flowing back panel is also edged with a wide band of the silver embroidery. The kimono front, the sleeves and the hem of the robe are finished by narrow bands embroidered in rose and Bilver. The upper right-hand figure displays an informal robe of Oriental suggestion, for the lazy hour at tea time. Of georgette crepe, It Is embroidered In a scroll like de sign of gold. Hugo gold tassels add a i further note of richness to the costume, embellished at neck and hem and across the middle of the robe and the sleeves with magnificent gold embroidery The third of these tea dresses Is a symmetrical sym-metrical combination of laco and chifton. j A lace skirt screens a satin slip. A bolero Jacket of silver lace 19 sleeveless, and i worn over the chiffon drapery. Long, voluminous kimono sleeves give an air of j I coolness and daintiness to the robe. Two other lazj day. nr lazy hour, robes MH recur to my memory One is of creamy filet lace over a pink silk slip Both are j so draped that the costume has tho ah of I having been tossed about one at the last I moment before its wearer appears The neck is low and rounded. The sleees are i wide kimono ones A pleasing feature of the gown is a narrow crushed girdle intertwined in-tertwined with the drapery, of pompadour silk in rose and bluo tints. The second is in straight lines It is made of white nainsook trimmed wnh insets of white lace j II I J ' r-'rl ' I lift Jfl |