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Show HOUSE OF TOYS BIW PICTURE AT UTAH TDOAY ETDJCNOGB LPH1 R VS U II E, Has a wife any reason to fear the I rivalry of tho girl stenographer In her husband's office? Is there any sound Justification for the occasional Jealous woman who demands that her husband hus-band shall employ a man secretary, iOr else limit his choice of a femlnlno .assistant to .ancient, cross-eyed, pockmarked pock-marked or otherwise Impossible she's? Nowadays, although, here and there a business woman may alienate the I affections of her employer, sane folks wives among them would no moro dieam of condemning all stenograph-em stenograph-em than they would think of stigmatizing stigma-tizing all married women as "vamps" simply because now and then some 'unworthy wife throws her marriage vows to the winds and coaxes some i other woman's husband to follow her example. The House of Toys In which the I David guentlns lived and loved, 'scrimped, quarreled and made un. I i might very easily have toppled had Quentln's stenographer been a differ-' ent type of woman And David yucn-I yucn-I tin's wife would herself have been I most to blame Esther Summers could not prevent tho strong attm.-i tlon which drew her to the handsome j Jdiaftsman who Joined the offlco staff) when h failed to make a "go" of Ills own business but she could resist foi -1 lowing whither that attraction might ( lead. Her own experience enabled I he: to sympathize with this Idealistic , young architect, to whom debt and disillusionment had brought discouragement discour-agement and defeat; whose pleasure-i,.vi,,c pleasure-i,.vi,,c ,..ir i..i ,.f i. .1 ..v,.aa.A " nu ftWftt mill Mu:n one their financial salvation alone, by means of a petty salaried Job, while she reveled in the luxury of a pro-, pro-, longed visit to her wealthy aunt In un-J un-J other city. i These three wife, husband and "other woman ' are tho outstanding l characters of "The House of Toys" the big super-production built on Henry Russell Miller's novel and Just released as a "Flying A Special," v. hlch opens a threo-day engagement' at the Utah today Seena uwen carrlea the leading role, and acts to perfection the pretty, Inexperienced, In-experienced, Impulsive girl who had Imagined It would be vastly romantic 1 to be the helpmate of a struggling .architect, rich only In big Ideas and great aspirations. This Is Mlaa Owens' In'flal venture In a stellar role, and those who have watched her steady j growth ss leading o n for some 'of the famous male stars In tho screen! firmament will bo more than Interested Interest-ed to see how she acquits herself un-l un-l dt r her new honors. t . oo |