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Show COX COMPLETES LENGTHY SPEECH Address of Acceptance Will Measure 10.000 Words or More DAYTON. Ohio. July 3 1. Finishing Ms address of acceptance for next Saturday. Sat-urday. Governor Cox today sought rec-rratlo'n rec-rratlo'n after his week's work ond prepared pre-pared to turn to other campaign affairs. af-fairs. The speech comprises about 1U.000 voids, at. voiding to estimate:!, or orn liiiriK ..er .1 newspaper page and somewhat in excess of that of Senator Sena-tor Harding. The governor spcnt au afternoon on the golf, links. After finishing ins speech, Governor Cox today received two visitors, i'ro-feesor i'ro-feesor irwng Klsher 01 iale, with whom he uiscussed economics, and deoretary Van Dyke or tno Fennsyi- vonia Democratic commlllue Governor cox continued to withhold Comment on tne statement of Senator iiuidiiifc cuargtug the Usmooratg with siCiMin; to uuiKUio Hit; league of nations na-tions issue a. id declaring ihumplons I of the league with international Inter- estft eri oe.iiu.l I he 1 icniOL .atlc calll-I calll-I i.Ko i und. It wus Indicated that the governor would make no response bC- : lore his address Saturday und also t.ould continue to refuse, through exchange ex-change of statements to the press, to enter into that sort of debute. Next v.-.'K the t. ei n... i.i expected to reply to P, f. Chrlstensen of bull uike City, Farmer-D;ibor candidate, 'regarding tho request tor old In securing se-curing a pardon or Fugeiie Y. Debs, ti.e Boctslist candidate. Oeonge w biCOi chairman of the Democratic Dem-ocratic national Committee, is eXK-et-eti late next week, for conferences with tho governor prior to th0 notification. notifi-cation. The spoclul campaign committee com-mittee of fifteen. It is believed, will I be announced ooon after. It Is undei-jstood undei-jstood that direct management of the campaign, under Mr. White, Will be in the minds largel "f B. H Moore, t.f IVoungstown. Ohio. Governor Cox's pi c-conventlou manager; Senator llar-irlson llar-irlson of Mississippi, chairman of the speakers' bureau, and VY. W. Marsh 1 ui Iowa, treasurer. |