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Show URGES USE OF SOLDIERS' ACT Federal Officer Says Utah Should Take Action on Rehabilitation Re-habilitation Measure. SALT LAKE. July II. frying that Utah, through proclamation by oovcr-nor oovcr-nor Bamberger, take Immediate ad- ;.nt:iK- "f ii"' ff.lt ral industrijil rehabilitation re-habilitation ait. a letter was itciiod esterday from Lewis H. t arrts, noting not-ing chlor of th- division of vocational rtucntlon of the federal board. Ne-ul;i Ne-ul;i has already accepted tho terms of this act. and New Vork and Minnesota Minne-sota did so by legislation passed prior to the passage of the federal law. "1 am sure." said Mr. Carrls, In his letter, which Is addressed to Prancls . Klrkham. state director of vocational voca-tional education. "Utah v. ill be anxious anx-ious to co-operats with the federal board at the earliest possible moment. 1 would, therefore, HUjrgeat that ihe governor lasue u procluinatlon which will enable you to bsjsjin the Study of the problem. His irccptancc of Ihe in.1 uoul.i also enable you to use any state money available to spend within the .Htate undci the supervision and control of tne slate board In matching federal moneys v.-hlcli would bo allot-d allot-d to Utah upun tho approval of your plan." In view of the school finances. It Is not thought probable that any large sum will be available In Utah until the next legislature meets, ul'hoiiKh the state board of examiners Could poaei bly allow a deficit In (be eontuirfent 'fund of the state board of education to take care of such work. Tho net of tli federal government extends to victims of Industrial accidents, acci-dents, .and even to those who are maimed as a result of disease or of accident othi-r than Industrial, tho same training In vocational subjects as Is now . xlended b the army to persons malme.1 t Wtxr. It Is claimed tr.ut there ure as many persons maimed maim-ed In Industry annually In the United i Stales ut were American fighters Injured In-jured during the war. For the reason the decision of the federal gov.-rn-mi nt to co-operate with the stute In attempting to put tin- victims of industry indus-try on a eelf -sustaining looting. Is regarded re-garded by students of tho subject as highly Important. It Is thought probable that as the force of men now engaged In oca-1 tinn.il rehabilitation work of service men lompletes huch work, they will be turned over lo the Industrial rehablll-' lation service. The federal board for vocational education ed-ucation has been co-operating In tho work of rehabilitating army men It Is given control, for the government,! of the co-operative work for rehabilitation rehabili-tation of vktlrns of Industrial uccl-' dints. Mr Carrls writes: win ob j.ii iu 1 1 1 1 stales 10 u- cldo what shall be the administration procedure of the state boards for vocational vo-cational education co-operating with the federal board It Is my personal opinion that most of the states will combine the work of rehoblllt i with the work of vocational education. educa-tion. In some instances setting up a new section within lh division oi vocational vo-cational education." |