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Show PROPECTS HAVE I MANY PROBLEMS J Salesman Has Many Big Fea- I lures to Explain in Selling "VH Car to New Owner When the average American busl- nes man makes an Investment In- h2 volving anywhere from $1,000 to $5,- r 000 ho investigates the matter from jfi all sides and calls In expert advice on i which he ran depend If any phase of Cllfl the subject seems to be a little beyond QbSI his personal experience When that .ni .11-. h i ril -hf aded buslrn -- lk man purposes to Invest a similar amount of mone In a motor car ho Hn generaTly walks down automobile row fjHS and buys the vehicle that catches hi H fancy, matches hln wife's new furs or meets some equally unessential con- HnM dltlon, IfnfijP! The question of price generally set- TOW'ff ties Itself automatically. The buyer BBc1? knows about what figure he can af- Bps' ford to pay His first step should be to pjJ get a list of all cars In the price class BlSlIr In which he is Interested From thi is '.' he can narrow down his search and BKimW make a reasonable definite list of cllg- B4l!'l i; Iblcs, for closer scrutiny j To he a satisfactor buy a car must MK fHSf; 'V be manufactured bj a well established JL compan; which will remain In buel- --'v-Lh neaa. if the concern making a car EliSferai fails the vehicle becomes an orphan, ilfclwiP!? for -vhich it is difficult to obtain parta I I sure that th- manufacturer is sol- 1.; Idlv established in business BllrT : ' I'KOUII M.1 OH, BOY! N'oM the dealer should be scrutinized scrutin-ized Has he facilities for making quick Bwij; ren&tra? Is his service efficient? Is BBSS' he able to give his customers replace- M8F3rl''&v? ments or broken pins without undue delay'' All this is going to be vitally Bsftf;' Important during the later Uf of the new car, and the dealer's status is HsfiBrwt easily established by a few inquiries made among owners of the make of fijfflM car he sells. H Kace to fare with the car Itself the BBBaraSOT: first thing for the intending purchaser r'" to settle Is the size of the vehicle that se'3J' will best serve his needs. Common BSSiiw' 1 sense will rule here. The prospect BKIWlaSffi:: should certainly be careful to try the flffif4rV seats, all of them, to that they are Bm?bI perfectly comfortable. A long legged iaBiS?.'''?' man In a car with skimpy room is 5i?ci '", in for much discomfort it the buyer li' ' Is to do the driving he should be b ire JL " that the pedal and other controls are ( placed within reasonable regard for his ph Blca 1 limit tl ions. . MECH WlsM NEXT r II 1 in,; examine, I 1 1 1 - mrrn . I ,i;.ill- HsKiaL- fication of the car, the buyer should sfcfJr j next proceed with an investigation of its mechanical efficiency And right Kj ! W here we should emphasize the desira- BRa-ifel'l blllty of the Intending buyer securing Bw' ' the help of some qualified expert on jKf -t? 'r tegrltj he can re r to help J him weigh the mechanical merits of iRtil' i " tht- vehicle under rniislilrratlnn (tf M Icours-i if the prospert s qualified to m led le for himself throuh past experience exper-ience he will aeed no outside experl- Pirat .is to the performance rislred In the average man's motor car T J begin with local 1 ondittesfia will some-Iwhat some-Iwhat govern this factor. If the car ). jBBJI-' .S;- to bo used In a hlllj countr It must 4., have plenty of superfluous power. And Wtgfe'1';:' . : .jj I no matter where it is to be used it . should have a modest turn of speed good acceleration .ihi flexibility. This latter qualification means that it mu.st ' be able to throttle down to a slow ,Kj , ! i speed while in high Rear and must also be able to trace! last A range of speed on high Rt-ar of from four miles an hour to sixty would be good flexibility flexi-bility These three factors and the fc htll-c!lmhtng ability of the ,ar should , I be brought out ln the road demonstra- JjB tlon, and a motorist of experience t3t should be In the car with the intenMlrir Nt buyer, unless be u- a veteran, to mako t'Bft .' sure the vehicle meets all these con- IhI' dltlons. , I And now we come to the vitally Im- H j portant matters that lurk under the 8 S j hood It should be ascertained that II I all the parts, particularly those that Blt''l '-' are certain to need cleaning or adjust- V ment, are easily accessible. Are the Bja-fl oil and grease cups easily reached for I 'adjustment and rofllllng? Can the dlf- " ferentlal housing be reached to drain jl flush, and refill it at all intervals wnen I this is necessary? Are the brake ad- Justments easv to make'' 9 I Getting down to the more technical details of the mechanism. It should be " LSCertalned that the car under consideration consid-eration embodies parts that are hur " 1 1 i cr 1 1 for the work they are called f ' u -rn to perform This applies to jc jlwrtrniR-s shs fts nnd similar parts Ob-Vioualy, Ob-Vioualy, determination of these Is be- yond tlie average car buyer, espcclallv I If It is his first car. Inquiro about among owners of the car ln vour j neighborhood. See if there is a general or frequent complaint of a certain fail- ' uro or breakage jf there Is. ou may put it down that the vehicle has a structural weakness ifr |