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Show SLIM CALDWELL NOW MOUND STAR The New York Yankees and the Bostpn Red Sox magnates made a terrific ter-rific mistake when they let Pitcher "Slim " Caldwell get away from them, according to manager Speaker of the Cleveland Indians. Caldwell is now hurling for Cleveland, anil wilh the season t about the half way mark ihe former Yankee has turned in better bet-ter than a dozen victories, with not more than three defeats And the best ihlng about it is that he seems to be lmproing as the season wears on Speaker says New York and Boston let Caldwell out because they claimed he would not stay In condition, was a BUlker and an all around lough bird to manage. "Maybe ho was all they say when he was with them. " said Speaker. 1 but since ho has Joined the Indians no manager would want a finei fi llow s ri 1 the club-' i ULDWIS 1 1 PEEV15D Caldwell recently became peeved when he read a story in one of tho eastern papers in H hi-h he was taken to task uulle severely for not behaving himself and remaining With the Yankees. Yank-ees. Tho writer of the story stated Caldwell has worked himself out of the best paving club ir. baseball. anJ would DOW be obliged 10 work for much Uss salary than he would haw obtaincel for mediocre work with the Yankees. The tall heaver Immediately unbosomed himself of a few sentiments senti-ments regarding the Yankees, and while ill he said was not fit. to print he made It Quite clear that the iank-ees iank-ees were suffering from too many bosses as well as the lack of speed Speaker said he has nev et had a stern word with Caldwell, 'i paid him what ho wanted, gave him to understand under-stand We wanted to keep him In condition con-dition and take his turn in the box, anel there has never been even tho slightest misunderstanding between us." said Speaker. The Indian manager mana-ger not only thinks Caldwell will assist Clevelanel materially In landing the American League Pennant, but he says "Slim will bother any club In the National Nat-ional League, when the blue ribbon series comes along. Caldwell recently wrote relatives that he was . better satisfied with his Cleveland Job than with any other bast ball position he ever hold. |