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Show I HARDING PLEADS I FOR UNITED AIMS Solidarity of Purpose and Unity of Classes Are Urged ; in Home Address H, MARION, Ohio, July 31. Turning I from the political lxaue in the I front of tho campaign. Senator Hard- I lug took for tho lOeme his in. Mt front porch speech today i pl i foi I soll'l.n It) of i I understanding umoug all classes and a geographical sections. H "Only a spirit of comlngllng frlend- 3 ship." he said, "could produce ths full I realisation of mutual interdepend- I ence necessary to attain the nation's I highest deetllllee." He pleaded that I eust. west, north and south und the I Jealousies of clas and selfish interest I be forgotteu in peace us1 In war. Tho nominee declured the excess I profits tax schedule should be modi. I fled to i.ecord with peace require. IltH llls ami uiiu it" nuun inn i . i i to ask congress tor prompt action. Ho nilued, however, that ho as "not yet pit pared to suggest an cuitubm substitute." sub-stitute." Tho speech was delivered to a dele-! gallon irum Mansfield, Ohio, which cume up In marching order and s-r-1 ensded the candidate with four bannj. In tn rrowd wore iiutuy known personally per-sonally to the candldute. and they cheered him as he held up their conception con-ception of nMghborliness us a model for the nation. In a short ttddress of greeting E. It. Cnpelier of Mansfield told torn .tor Harding I ' m.4ii Lwucut were In I I ti wa. After th nomlnee'e response be camo down the steps of the porch with Mrs. Hard Inc. who had stjod behind him during tho speech and they shook hunds for a half hour. Today's Speech murked the formal opening of the front porch campaign. Two more Ohio delegations uro to be rrcelved next wek. and tuo la'.or dtra hae txen announced. |