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Show SHOW DECREASE III USEJF WOOL Government Figures Indicate Drop 17.000.000 Pounds in Consumption. WJaJBHDfQTON, July 30. Figures on wool consumption for the first six months of 192U, Just released by the bureau of markets, department of, agriculture, shown a drop of nearly 17.000.000 pound:. According to the report. 46,000,000 pounds of wool, grease wool equivalent, equiva-lent, entered Into manufacture dur-l I lng that month, compared with 66,- 000,000 pounds for Ihe corresponding I month lost year Summaries for pn -ceding months of 1920 have shown ' the following amounts used: January, 72,700,000 pounds; February. 68,700.-' 000 pounds. .March. 67,900.000 pounds; April, 66,1)00.000 pounds;! I May. 68.600,000 pounds. Lack of orders, cancellations and deferred shipments' arc given as prl-' I mary causes fur ihe unstable situation. situa-tion. A comparison of the relative con-j sumption of the different grades with figures for succeeding months xhowj thai fine wools not only continue to hold first place In demand, but appear ap-pear to be recovering the points lost n few months ngo. The pcrccntagcH for June are: Fine. 31 5 per cont; one-half blood. 16.0 per cent; three-eighths blood, 15.5 per cent; one-junrter blood, 20. S per cent; low. 2 9 per cent; carpet. 13.9 per cent, and grade not stutcd. less than one-half of 1 per cent. The percentages for May were: Fine. 30.5 per cent; one-half blood, 16.2 per cent; three-eighths blood, 16.7 per cent, one-quarter blood, 20 g1 per cent; low, 3 2 per cent, carpet, 12 per cent. Of the total reported, the amounts by conditions were: Qrcase wool, 33,-940,086 33,-940,086 pounds; scoured wool. 5,477.-1 628 pounds; pulled wool, 1,262,206 pounds. |