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Show FOR SALE My even-pogenger car, in splendid condition. See it at the itore, 2303 Washington Ave. Wanted A salesman. Read "Hal l Win out. page 4. iMiicMiiaaB.ii4B('aiiieMsi a' 'M')a' ' easnqmiiiii -,, t ssmsesK)eBss( SMgog'sja04aojBfjoeigeoe3MSoegsjaoe sieMSjHieggsoegsjaoegfJsoegggoegggl Tomorrow: Another Busy Day At Wright's 1 ( SLH HHhB k 9 ffiOUfc J&WL HK 9B Luncheon I J ff .HB JBM mBKSw BHBLk HR BW these eft . Mm. SHI-? dainty luncheons served at " "M5 I m the Fount ! MS pjjJT1 WtKB HHg gFb Hct Soups J r iMr urn -rlH Hill Vegetable Tomato j Time is Money at this Store Tomorrow. These Sales HtlL j I r" 1 O 1T 1 sO Hi r Macaroni with Catsup jj i Keep the Store Busy with Lrowds rrom 9 am. to 6 pm. Ho' ' I arfa -ne rnmm Roast Pork, Roast Beef. B ur i I , $ M9 S! H9 1 ffiQ 3 Pie a la mode. Cocoanut y XA& i Cream. Custard. Berry Pie. 6 mF i ,"7 6 57 kI 6 5ef 1 6 - 5 Wright's Ice Cream I. I 9 to 10 A.M. 10 to 11 A. Me 11 to to 12 A.M. 1 to 2 P. M. All Day Monday ? ( House Dresses Muslin Drawers Children's Hose Cirls' Dresses Silk Biousco '! Women's hour c drosses and bunga- Women s ana pirls' miislJn drawers. Jir 8 ,?St 5 coVon hoi:c' O'rla' soUod ureses in white am: i i..e c C i low eprans In light and dark colors, open and closed style made oi of tiTmt; w,onr rf,8isUns "A colored mateilals. glnghsms. lswn, art blouses ot pongee , a M I long and Pho.: slSere til Sizes. pplendld musil... irlmmed and plain. ,,V t P 'L R;z v; ino ?r r,,' p niil1 iad Bwlgg- all glggg Male silk, of crepe dc chine, of y H I Values to 4 .v. Fp.ril S I 95 Valuer to $1. Special. 2 for gl uiuia lv.a r:r.bed. black or brnnn rlali lhat laOndW trell. Values to iTu,,. 19 if, WrlgbfB Second Flom1" Wrlght't Second Floor ioPn. r 75 c Special -SLOS georgette, blouses of voile MM I w Wrlsblo Second Ploo. and organdie. Many of sat-1 Men's Bathing Suits M. J. B. Coffee Flowered Voiles 3ovs' Riihinn Suits in- AU of this U Uen'a rorm fating bathing buHs, m J B cofiee Is rich; a delicious 7 'u"cs, OVja liaininp: JMUlS ... . I. I! made of a good pre-shrack cotton.' blend und full atrenpth. Already 1.' ,or umme'- frocks- Every boy ,hould own bathing ! good styles. ariously trim 0 6 absolntely fast colors, Attractively ground and pecked in cans that are p'", ' r.ns dKf:' '? c ' 1 I! r" x" ! KOMl ' n'' ;' cood styles. Variously n VM I I trimmed In - Besl perfectlj sir light Thl boui 1 : V n' , ' :V: ' ' ' ' 1 J Pi .1 , N Mv f 1.50 values. This hour only SI -ell full i ad cans for 53. Five cashable; sldit 40 Inches. Usual j in white or maroon Graceful fii trimmed. Blouses that m MK 5 Wrights Men's shop OA pound cans S2.72 Sd ' var,i Th,s hour SS 5125 kln'K ttu h,"ir many cases are actual $10 I w b Wrighi Dm , , ' nl; ur,c , m j ii j U m Waist Union Suits n V: "r v Men's Shop VgJue. Monday all day I I caiiw n . i mi rwo Lanned lomatoes ,',sh Boilers Glass Berry Sets ndHoor) 1 f t -'"rm nl- " 1 - taped but- Red ripe I tah I matoes packed in Here . , ... " A neai i il glass' t.-rry set. One A 1 f IS tons to take place Of a WCJsL Knit- one pound 12 ounce cans, and very to, yLrs 1'amous I sk n k Mnch bowl and sa small dlnhes. e j tea fabric or 00 bar muclln Kget tcellenl p The famous Heavj metal sixes n bottom Is IHk wry much like deep cut glai . n . MM I 2tol4: L kind 754 "PawnBrand.1 Phi p 1 1 1 ,, ,,,, , For serving berries, Ice cream, et. All DaV MofJaV (j Wright Main noor sr thanttJlng 25e1 ', 'm'' JnUrs . ,. Lalgl 81.25 of W Y d t Bob White Soar. - 1 v2u . n i Silk Dresses fin,u, , 1 r Hlirlc TawpIb Wright's Downstaln White PettlCOatS A lf . , , U Bob White laundrj soap One of nlllh 10 CIS , ,. , W0JD n made of A lot of very liardsonv d f the best laundiy soaps made Man- Hera la a thick, absorbent hand Bust CoilfinerS r. ,',! u .,,. ,-!, "n Am, dresses are crouped into BJ u aeiured by the makers of Ivory towel made of good cotton huck Perfectly shaped and r;,ue ol pre- r.ounr,, m sturdy embn-id-n i . f g ,P, , I i K U soap. Urn IB bar, for SI The sue is 16x81 inches, a red ,nrunk ,abrl(! of jllst th(. p por -,ItUe m uho W( fir slZPS two lots for complete clear- g B V Wrlgnt. Downstairs bssdsr. ots Very good welght. Brassiere, snd cont.n.-rs a various govi patterns. Very lov ance Monday. Dresses tha; II A r , rp : value at 26c This hoar the arp that giive thj greatest summer com- price for this hour 81.23 11 L i . i WL Crash Toweling only . . . . 19e tor , ,r em5rolderj 1nnuii, W, ..;s Downatalra M lwl11 be ,n vcry good styles, M 5 Linen crash toweling, foi roll- v . m..i.s ..i...n I loor $8 kind this hour onlj )5v Girls' Mprv Ianr? for fall and winter. Mater- 2 i er towelb or small hand to. i Little Gents MlOCS Wright's Second Floor " 1 7 I oaiiK-Zi i . cc I The i. be ,,. , ,!',., A o oil : lalt are sating, taffetas, tn- 9 T M to2. eToes'Sdord Bungalow AprOHS coleltes. serge. tricotines Q I at this price; This hour only, splendid value. Made of a brown Cool, comi n be and yet SfSln iThta ortoa5? ie Val and iersevs Manv are val- I BT arJ Wrigh, sCaluFioor-1 MASJ K SS ! "5 ' SZ W " ITS .5 oT hd W 5 Breakfast Dress SSlESstfSa i Floor Monday at $19.50 5 I A comforuoia two-piece dresa for Pillnw TllhinP hour 2U.; V ,81.95- Girls Parasols and $29.50. 1 ft I women's n,orr.inKw. mat- n '"OWlUDing ,,Ur,'L' .'' The9e are W. ,. v-ry MM, tot,. J I H I tractive washable rabriCB Plain Excellent pillow esses are cailly Ien S Silk Scarfs How a parasol pleases them. 'Pret T Wf I garment Thholgl.95 ft ScTStLJA .nhand .,yK, ,,,h ih.wm, , . g J-Ml andT. .ndba All Day Monday I ! Ij . Wrists Downstairs hour only, per yard 594 good summery pstt.-rns and n-at A".'";1'.,. amL o-n a MM I Play Oxfords " 7"K I . Pongee Silk I ATI, rnvo children's shoes Com men 8 Union OUllS ROVS' Khaki Pants Embroidered VOlle Monday again we of fer the 1 j I ! Jnt'SSdJS1 weartS eiaa.,gRto 1 I'oTcLL Real voatton pant, iheae. Made Of all the w-v-n fabrlca shown this best quality of Japanese J W X tho children wearing sizes 5 to 11. cooi. ciean laDr.c reai summer col. cotton khki cloth wash- oar. these emtroldcred fabrics are -n i WMt a Made of the serviceable elk skin. fort, no sleeves, knee length. Have "i-.: S bandsomeai Pennine imported fab pongee silk at a reduction A faM .-"..r.s; ivsL-tsriX JSf"IS -.w--. irl I J v' ' ' : ' K M...--. ,,.,01M J" - iiii"85 n-.gsxss iXTjPchil j M i . . .a. article which is fillrd with I I t jptfV. sv ioadin " n ae aM ' i ' 4 Jin f ' Mr, T 1" I silk not loaded come i ll. s A ST I il ST Z r0 I 2 from the wash full and rich ! Wa 3M 9 L -3 "N 39 I9 I 3 33 inC'1e, W'de Th" 50 I H ! j iAu ally V,. All Day Monday j f Jj I 2 to 3 P.M. 3 to 4 P.M. 4 to 5 P. M. 5 to 6 P. M. Satin Royal ) 1 Pillow Cases ,A ... Q, . Satin Royal is a new fabn. 2 Q rrancon.a p.iiow case-, size 42x36 I ruit Jars Muslin Sheets Girls' Outing Suits .of Silk and cotton mixture 2. I a;J ' ; nd, ' ,ur,1' Fruit jar-. iiH clear glass Drey glzSO Utics sh mad Ol good children i im mails nt Lk . 1 L 11 ll I 2) - MM X muslin Iree from dressing. 50c vol- Ma90n jar. with white metal caps heavy material which will stand khaki mnterlil' bloomer' si vie' aW ,hat looks like filk. It is il a 9MM I ue. Each 35 and rubber rings. $1 regular. The the laundr R.gular V i Mal ' j: valu.V Sag- I inches wide. It is offered in I H Wrights Cotton Corner dClZf.n 85 ius S2.G ciai . . . Ar- i , , ,, , . I fM I Taffeta Silk Ur 5 cotumo v ,d colors. Knd all of the j r ' a curt ' tata ol rich, soft. u. prAnf rnrcotc r;-l I r " that ar wantcd lh' ' 1 I brirhr. chiffon finish Ths nlceel Table Covers KUSt 1 TOOI l Urst is liin.s .MUSlin downs summer for the new sport I I ouahtv t:iad" for dresses and . .... i t. wi. U'arner ItU6t Proof corsetH. and Gilrls muslin gowns In slzt-3 4 to II -L:.- Ul-.. I I I mW ? blou-es and summer skirts. It la a Turkey red table eor- n the big . , , ur9et8. Hastic and years; nea.lv uimrd Th are Kirts. blouses, jackets, etc. ? a full yard wide And Is . er remark lr 'nlrS valued Tclal this medium bust long blp; all sizes. our regul.,r $ 1 . aUes. 3peclsl. tb. At first glance it looks Verv i K ! -"WSS ?ijM ' "' 1, - "tan "U i . imuch .ricolin.. Monday I I i Men's Handkerchiefs nnfKU ... , - he $2.35 value, j t ,r ia. ; -v. , nN-fAt-ri Children's Allovcrs , Jl MKnis per yard $1.41 f I srecheepei MCn'S UXIOWM K I ! no hsndEerchief quite like a pure Here is . table filled J 1th odds and Jf 1!. n2l. Sic1 "gw'SS : K I linen. These are the usual ,.c lln ends of men's oxfords nnd such h d , rotamn- u,u- SI .T5 All r nI llV J cn- i;C roe pair. ' danelng ''wiSg. e.ll, AU Day MonCtaV Wrights Men's Shop pumps, soj brown , .. f ) i runs and Saucers nd whl" Qulu " ""Si hour si I-ntr Silk dloves Si k Shirtinp k IL cups ana owuvm si. 85 M.Rrs -r, , ; rJ? nlr I Here are cups snd saucers for ererj Wrights Downstair. I of tkig gilk wi ! I day use IMa'n white ehlna in ikas -d . mzZ Zm. i i I fM I ini Shanes. A ware that will stanu . g , p J fj j Efaekfe.-? , . c.- " V. T 12 2 f1'1 fr a m"" W I 1 2 WSJ throurw Maderia Napkins g , , buj i.,.. j breaking. A full set Handsome Maderta - mbroldery- Quality of nainsook. Main Floor ready made of materials so I H ! ' ' iv'liownl, done by hind -on the finest of pure , comfortable, no slaves, km i , . . , , j matcnais so f M Al ... a f length. 75c vaiu, Turkish Vowtli hswdaomc aa thege of guch t Muslin Petticoats . , , J , j Here Is a sp!. ndid petticoat made Mad rl. aiue to . a sej .TO xaj , c II K j of a thoroughly good muslin. The hour on . 84.50 cot, on. gJSS ,,,C S',k Sang Crepc, a r !l folnncee are wide and hae trim rtgMi Art Section 1 USSah Silk twist.d threau Special crepe dc chine, tub silks W: 2 mtngs of lace nd embroidery .Real r . f0L Tussab silk. JJ inches wide, in plain hour, each Mastsiieli n-tt Tk H I ly $3 values for this hour I ailC Mesh eilS and Jerquard weaves; a big line of Wtigml Mala gjgejr Finnish pattern I , S a X only . S1.45 Fanr Bsesh ii- finih-d with pattatrge and colors f i So vaioea Pnlnrsvl Tahla PlrtK make the very l.mdsomesi I H a Wrighti Second KIor band to fasten around th- neck all for. yard Sl.lO wiuitu i UUIt Well 4 I 9 llroccor srirfs the wanted colors Special this hour Wngots Main Roor Colored tabl damask. SJ locbea ,OT Ara" eTl"1 not too Jgl liresstr an wngbt Main Floor ki fast colors m ear y to think about tht W 1 t is t Pol Idea to ha-.e two or . . n 1 and white, blue .ad -hi- - . . . ltX)ul " tbree such drer scarfs as these UniTene I Tepe PllTe Silk HOSC 1 ' t1um $2.75 I so as to seep th"m fresh and Pure white crep .or dainty under . w . . ard ft o- 9 -4jgj X clean. A brocaded hlt fabric in wr. nUht gown, rhlldrea. wear. Jm:c , ?"iC2?iS! ' ' M r all day MnyniJT" ' a gV X vr. - Iwnatalrs far the) a vaksa tor 33 U'rC'i S pec is ll priced f iorTJfleTarS . u lm i W I Lux. the New Soap , , v ., w-b.5?m' w, . hS1.!? V ' i Have r . I II la really r ItJlireCI Ol!eS Here Is the chance Sweaters in g a rv end eloe. It hangs - III a mlrsrJe soap for all fine launder You may e tbeae before the tale . m ' A ,n' m ,ux'io tfal In all '.fee gracefully m rajr folds It cornea fl f lng Most delicate things can b. op. r.- if Some of th L3CCS, )(' 1 arfl giUj I f WwM (wa T saocrow yon h. 1- r,nird nles hi "s Val and Im ea and laser- summer evenings Ha-fe or an 'c ' 0, mad- of 1 -Va ' may buy fte of the 15c its (this den. A splendid aaaort ent of pat- tloo In pretty patterns for trimming rboiee Vaiaee to lip This UiU ao aol reqqlre Ironing after th. I H hour) at. each icni Worth II Thla hour ggW undrrww etc Spiai ?tC b.iur 810.96 Z a ha 13 MM Wrights Drug Section Wright's Cotton Corner Wrights Mam Floor 1 M-bt s Second Floor Moaasy sil av S2.1&I Z |