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Show HAROLD LLOYD COMES;; TO THE OM TODAY IN GREATEST COMEDY Eight months ago Harold Lloyd en-1 j tered the ranks of big league screen, comedians when ho presented 'Bump-; ing into Broadway," his first $100.-00" $100.-00" feature comcdv. And it set the, tongue:, of photoplay fans wagging. People who had never laughed be-1 fnn? found themselves creamln with I Joy over the clean-cut fun of a good-I good-I looking youth who had the h.ppy I kr..-.ck of showing the absurd side of situations anyone might find them-I them-I selves In. I An Eastern Westerner" topped off I Lloyd's first series of feature laenh-l pioduccrs with Much phenomenal success suc-cess that Ha' E. Roach, the producer, produc-er, decided to make the second serie.i, of which "High and Dizzy" Is ths first, so much funnier that there cut not' be the slightest doubt but that Hni-I old Lloyd Is firmly established is the I screen s' greatest comedian, an op:u-: ion voiced bj the nation s critics and j the approval of the public "High and Dlssy." showing at the Or len theatre today with :he quality of itc production and the cjuantlty of. Its laughs, lives up to the pro. liars m?d'' for the second serio - -u.o , Mlrthquake Specials. Olive Thomas In "Youthful Folly" will also be shown on the same bill. Mildred Davis, the pretty blond comedienne who Rains new friends with every new Lloyd picture, con-j tlnucs as leading lady, und Harley M. Walker writes the sub-titles. Bathe' is the distributor oo A banker estimates that tho public pub-lic has lost close to $750,000,000 In questionable securities during the pa ' ! 1 N months |