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Show ILUN9IS ILL I OFFER CUK I The University Of Illinois will noon H be prepared lo offer a course for those who would become baseball coaches or managers. Recently, Carl JH Lundgren, formei pitcher with the fLKm Chicago Cubs, was signed as coach Tor Bl Ihe university baseball loam, and giv- en a place on the faculty of the de- -'vBsH par' 1 11 .i devoted to coaching - J letes Lundgren has been at the Uni- ei sit of Michigan for seven years. during Whii ll time he has turned out gfi two champ. on outfits anel many high HG class players whei have made good In Hnj minor league ball, as well as somi who have made good in the majors r , George Staler, of the St. Louis Brown, jp was dev eloped under Bundicron. Lundgn n Is a graduate- of the UnW SilH verslty of Illinois He received hli SI km sheepskin In 1902 and attracted wide flafl attention b his WOrl a-- a hurler for j the Illinois varsliv team After le.o S. ing college he wenl Into professional I ; ball. In 19 13 he wenl 10 Michigan rHM and announced he would make a lift fKs work of coaching college teams ip3jMJ;E SIGNS Ll NDt.RI The announcement of the signing .'jPMs! of Lundgren by G-orge Huff, ellrec- rfMjyt tor of athletics at Illinois, marks an- sHfcftr other step by thai college In Its ef- flBcH fort to obtain a high class faculty Clffiis for teaching the professions of coach- -5SjP;' ing various athletics. Illinois hail MKltlli" turned out from her football coachlnc EkiiP i- ; hool some excellent material thai I will be heard from liter nn doubt and the acquisition of Lundgren, who fiS?IB-'i! brings wealth of big leaeue exper- . BBcrwar icnce. means a broadening of the coaching course for thosp who would '' take up baseball managerial berths. Tfflli'ra Lundgren although never a reall.v iltiJii'W? brilliant hurler, wap always rated by 1rbI''h I rank Chance as one of the brainiest fin-''-i' of Cub pitchers In the days when th - P-fai" Cubs were a powerful ma elfin p. Lund- EwifK' uren turned In some genuine classics fiffiilvil for the Cubs, but he was more or BSjfti'fg less of an In and outer, duo to tho HkiEP" fact that his arm would not bear th-j BmsHi, brunt of frequent work. He Is a stu- ffifii? dent of baseball anel has necessary IRjjra' Judgment to select young players wtio Hs!! ; have a chance to develop. Lundgren Hs? expects to take a short course in sev- , IHflgifsj oral subjects reeiulred to fit him for BsEr leaching In a regular college course, Bljili' after which he will no doubt become a valued member of tho Illinois fac- gHrl:?: ulty. Director George Huff an- Kzij'cl nounced he had tried to interest Lund- Ks-- gren In an Illinois contract seveSal Kp: years ago, but at that time Lundgren IBfwj s would not leave Michigan. Lund- SRiRr? gren s Michigan team won the west- ern conference this year jt3 f': oo |