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Show CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED TO PAVE WAY FOR COLLECTION OF SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR WEBER GYM NOW BUILDING With the distribution of pamphlets dt.-rf-rlMng the proposed Weber gymnasium gym-nasium building and exploiting the advantages ad-vantages of such an institution In Weber We-ber county a few days ugo, the fust ehot In the drlvo to Cain fund9 Tor tho K mnaslum was fired by the campaign commute.'. Thla In to be followed dally with a bombardment of propaganda propa-ganda which will keep the gymnasium i idea before the people until the fuud hao been i.iisd end th building absolutely ab-solutely assured. The pamphlet contains a. "punch ! that rule urgument against such an institution slrnpl.v immaterial and out-of-order, it explains the activities that have beeu carried on in previous yearfl and the attempts to provide the county with a gymnasium on the par with that of Sail Lake. Carries Own Argument. The foreword of the pamphlet carries car-ries Us own argument ami explains why Weber counts has not a building ot this kind today. The foreword follows. fol-lows. The present movement for a public g-mnaslum bad its inception years j ugo. if there lo a city In L'tah In greater need of an appropriately at- nactive placo for Its young people' than onden we do not know where It I Is This need has been fell for many! 'years and this feeding has found ex-jl i :. salon perlodlce.ll In attempts to provide It once as a Y. M. C. A. j veuient, once as a city high school movement, and t v. Ice und r the aus-. .pices of the Weber academy, now We-1 I Dei Normal college. ! The most definite an1 promising movement was that undortak.- n Six ; e,ira ago in which the late David Bevies Be-vies became deeply interested. Plans liad been brougnt to completion audi ;lhe financial problems practically j solved. Then came his sudden and ' untimely death The movement was revived and Waa jagajn approaching realization wheni , the war put a stop to' all further activity ac-tivity Since that time the idea has een smpldering awaiting a favorable pporiunity to fan it into flam.- and secure for Weber county this one great need. , In March of 1919, the board of trustees trus-tees took definite action, prepared a letter to the first presidency of the i iiurch, giving a history of the various I attempts to secure a gymn3lum, ex-pliiining ex-pliiining the necessity tor such an ln-Istltntlon. ln-Istltntlon. and asking if the church jwouid contribute cue-half the cost if the balance could be raised among the pt oplo. Tills appeal elicited favorable response re-sponse fiom the ilrst presidency, and tvaa immediately followed by a call I from the presidencies ot the Weber, I North Weber and ogden stakes for a meeting of the high councils and the (bishopries of the three stakes This Important meeting was held m the I college April 12, 1919, and was attended at-tended by 106 of the officers named. 'Two hours Were taken t) present and consider the matter, the letters to and , from the first presidency were read, j many problems In connection wllb li were explained, and a final decision j whs reached T he following excerpt is taken from the minutes ot that meeting 11 VT MINUTES SAT. It was moved that the plan as pre-sented pre-sented be approved and accepted and that the respective stakes assume the burden of raising, pro rata, the amount needed to build the gymnasium gymna-sium at a cost of approximately $100,-jono. $100,-jono. After many questions and ex-Iplanntions ex-Iplanntions the motion, amended so as to leave the amount open for further ! . i.tvuderatlon, was carried unanlmous- the amount, when determined, to I be raised by each stake pro rata on population "The question of the cost of the building, that is, how large a struc ture would be necessary for the needs of the school and of tne county, v. as then taken up and fully discussed. There seemed to bo u strong sentiment senti-ment that it should be so large that the needs of the city and county In this respect should bo taken care of for yers to come. After full discussion discus-sion Bishop W W. Rawson moved that the mutter be left with the board ' of trustees, they to determine the amount to be raised. The motion carried car-ried unanimously.' The board of trustee i, under this authorization, met on April 16 The minutes of that meeting, among many other details, disclose the following entry ; It was moved that the cost of the structure be fixed at $20,000, and that the amount to be raised In the Ihie stakes for such a building $100.000 be apportioned miong the respective slakes and wards on the basis designated. The motion carried unanimously. M Kl I.M TM I.N I S, At a later meeting the apportionment, apportion-ment, as then made, was unanimously unanimous-ly approved and the stake presidencies presiden-cies were advised of their respective stake allotments These allotments I have since then been distributed among the thirty-eight wards ot the j three stakes, and committees are now I At work to raise the proportion that 'must come from Weber county. The people In a large majority of the wards, at meetings called for that purpose, pur-pose, have voted to sustain the project and considerable money has already be en contributed. The plans have been prepared, presented pre-sented and considered This hn.s re-I re-I suited in important changes and alter- at tons so as to provide the very best und latest Improvements and conveniences, conven-iences, to Insm? the maximum capacity ca-pacity In the structure planned, and to provide for the most complete equipment, and they have now been adopted. .Land has been secured both on Twenty-fifth und on Twenty-fourth streets a sites for the structure, the board having finally determined on the Twenty-fifth street site Contracts have been awarded, excavation exca-vation has been completed, and the building lu now under construction. COJfTAIHB DRAWINGS. The pamphlet contains a two-page architect's drawing of the proposed building and Interior and explains that the estimated total cost will be 1300.-000 1300.-000 Source of income will be derived from both the Latter Day Saints church and by subscription, with the church offering to pay one-half of the amount if the balance can be collected collect-ed without borrowing The site us explained will bo connecting con-necting the Weber academy and the land has already been puichased It haf a frontage f 132 feet. . The archltecte have outlined the I following brief description of the building and plans. The building proper will be 81 feet in width and -'40 foet In length All structural iurt.M of the building arc to be- of reinforced concrete and tne exterior ex-terior faced with brick and terra eotta. The bulldlnj may bo entered fiom the iont by two entrances directly Into; the main lobby, or from the terrace; wmch extends along one side The j terrace will be brick paved and the front lined with large terra cotta vases The general gymnasium committee Is composed of John Watson, treasurer. treas-urer. James Wotberspoon, Royal Ec-' eles, Joseph Eccles. Heber BooWCroft, Ralph K Bristol. Angua T Wright. T I Samuel Browning. W. 11 Wattls illcs' L. Jones John Halls, Samuel G Dye. |