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Show GERMANY PROFESSES TO FtAR POLES ON BORDER BERLIN. July 31 Allied troops in the plebiscite district, says a semi-offi cial communication, have been with drawn from the frontier. Polish de tachmonts which crossed into Germany have been disarmed by tecumy police. I In iew of the situation, the govern-J 'mcnt has asked (ho president of the' j peace conference in Paris to repl tn its note seeking permission for Ger many to take measures to maintain neutrality on .he eastern p-ontier. as! , the forces there an insufficient lor! j protection. j Arrival uf add.tlonal Polish troops! 'and their stay In ihe eastern area. It is pointed out. might lead to undesirable j consequences. PARIS, July it Crossing of a P. liah detachment into Germau territory! where it was disarmed, is reported oy Lc Journal tongihl The detachment. I Which crossed tn escape pursuit by Russian cavalrv. inlered East Prussia io the west ot Schinezyn. the paper staler |