Show 0 o BARK CITY FLOAT I S I of the From the Columns Cuiliugs Froll Kecord of the Week The Apex will ship fifty tons of first it is believed class ore this month which heleved will ran about 125 per ton The fresh impetus which the commencement com-mencement of work on the Marsac Mill has given to business is very noticeable I both among merchants and miners I Upon the receipt of the election returns on Wednesday last AVm l1 Ferry telephoned tele-phoned to Gov Murray in these words AVe got there l by 82 Immediately t1re cuno the ringing reponse Praise God I from Whom all blessings flow The Anchor Companys office storeroom store-room and blacksmith shop at the mine are now completed Ground for the hoisting works will be broken the coming week The hoisting engine from the Utah is going to be used and two new steel boilers will soon arrive to furnish the steam for the same The Corner Grocery Company which was to have appeared at Society Hall last Thursday night failed to come to time evidently fearing that the weather might prove too cold in which event they would undoubtedly get left The Building Association are out a few dollars in advertising and bill posting AVe have no apology to offer for the Park City Base Ball Club who have been in Salt Lake the past three days showing the people there what they had failed to learn about the national game AVe sincerely sympathize with those who so generously stood the affliction and although al-though they left home this tune without even the consent of their parents and above all ours we shall mako it a point to persuade them never to get so tar away from home on a like expedition again Ten stamps will be added to the Mar sac Mill making thirty in all A Stecl feldt roaster will be used having a capacity of 50 tons per day Six settlers will be added to the ten already in use Fifty feet will be added to the main building build-ing and forty feet to the ore house The structure when completed will contain very little of the present framework as the increased demands of the future will require a much stronger building Two large stacks one of 80 feet and the other of 100 feet in height will be erected The mill will be run principally on Daly ore and it is calculated that three months will be required to place it in running order |