Show Floating Sprays of Wisdom A babys arms encircle the world A million dollars wont buy a ray of sunshine sun-shine The man who eats the biggest piece of pie has the biggest pain Good clothes are to respectability what the frame is to a picture Music is the religion of art You often find a five cent heart in a million dollar body The most beautiful woman is she whom the blind can see A newspaper may be a sewer or a stream of pure water according to its source An unwashed king is less a gentleman than a tidy peasant Fashionable women are the mistakes of creation An innocent young girl is a poem in which every line rhymes A silk hat oftentimes covers a baldhead bald-head A man does not become old until the years strike his heart If a womans brains were where her heart is she might some day have the ballot Women love always men love when they are not busy Time is woven into eternity by the network net-work of death |