Show Hats Hats Hats t Spring and Summer Styles now in AVe i are Sole Agents for all the fine New York i I Hatters including Youmans Knoxs M 1 Silverman and Thomas Townsend Co Siverman OJlon AVe also carry a complete line jl I of John B Stetson Cos Fine Hats NOBLE WOOD Co The Excusive Hatters I Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron I b cures Indigestion and Pjspepsia 1 TiE Famous Cigar is known by connoisseurs i con-noisseurs to b the best in the city Arbognsts Celebrated Huston Ice Cream The finest in the Territory supplied to I families church socials and picnics in i any quantify Prompt delivery and lowest i low-est prices At 48 E First South street j Pioneer Candy Factory Established in 1871 I am now prepared pre pared to furnish all orders at wholesale i S and retail for my celebrated caramels and pure home made candies Orders from the country solicited Geo solcited Arbogast 48 I E First South street i I JohnTaylor SonNo 43 and 45 Second South Street have just received a choice j jLc Jot of Spring and Summer AVoolenswhich i they offer t make up in firstclass style I at greatly reduced rates j J Use Syrup of Prunes I For Constipation Price 75 cts per bottle I For sale at all Druggists Our Distinguished Medical Visitor Our readers are all familiar with the firm of Medical Specialists Dr Liebig Co of 400 Geary street San Francisco The Doctor is coming here on a profes sional visit making a business tour through the Territory The Doctor will be at the Valker House Salt Lake City August llth and 12th remaining two days only in order t examine and consult with all who may I desire his advice or treatment This is a rare opportunity to all suffer ing from complicated diseases deformi ties broken bones brken or badlytreated cases of a delicate nature by which so many men are ruined for life All sufferers should avail themselves of this chance to consult the leading specialists Dr Liebig I Co The Doctor was educated as a specialist 1 r special-ist in Europe nearly 2 years ago and is known all over this country and Europe I as a thoroughly educated medical special ist and surgeon This will be a rare op I portunity to consult the greatest specialist spcialst of the age right here in our midst o Salt Lake City Brewing Company l1 CULLEN H AV MORSE President VicePresident AVe are now prepared to receive orders for our CELEBRATED BUDWEISER LAGER BEER Special inducements given to pnr chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to the selection of the finest material for the I manufacture of beer after the Budweiser process we are in a situation to place be > fore the public aI article superior to any hitherto offered in rce suprior i Orders by telephone promptly attended I to JACOB MORITZ Sec Treas i Democrats Peoples party and ReniuV i i hcans are invited to avail invied avai themselves of i the very low prices prevailing in yer prces prevailg every i department of the Mammoth Establisli ment of F Auerbaeh Bro They say they are never undersold 9 Fon a good smoke try the Famous I Cigar for sale by Sam Levy X I NEW TODAY SALT LAKE MUSIC HALL One Block South U C Depot SULLIVANS GRAND MIRROR of IRELAND And Comedy Company For One Week o Commencing 3IOXHAY Vii UST 10TH 1885 tADMISS1ON 2 Cents and 15 Cents AMUSEMENTS NL EXCURSION AND BAll UNDER THE AUSPICES OF I Wasatcii Division No1 UNIFORM BA3TK Knights of Pythias AT G FdI L AND Lake Point ox Wertnesday August 12 85 THE OPERA HOUSE BRASS BAND Wi di ronre music during the exercises FOfJIt TRAINS EACH WAV utah Nevada Railway Trainsleave Salt Lake at 810 a m 110 p in 510 pm and 9 p in I Excursion Tickets only f > o cents Children under ten years 25 cents I lickets can he had at Geo Bartons Grocery Store 260 s Main St and at T C Armstrongs Grain Store or of auymember of the Order I argain os I TOBACCO IN STOCKS I CANES MEERSCHAUM PIPES I T WILL OFFER FOR SALE IN PRIVATE PlVATE JL Lots of one or more the stock in trade of EdHarris at his Cigar Store First South street OM TUESDAY AUGUST 4th And following days Fishing Rods and Fishing Tackle Hickory Walking Canes Gold and SilverHeaded Walking Canes Amber and Meerschaum Cigar and Holders leersehaum Iud Cigarette Briar CigaretteHolders and Pipes Cigar Cases and Tobacco Pouches Shaving Brushes and Combs I Snuff Boxes and Match Safes Tobacco by the pound or hundred weight Two gross Pipe Stems Chequers and Chess len Fine stock of good Cutlery Clterr Flags and Torpedoes all Pipes all sizes and price Show Cases and Mirrors Cigars bv the 100 or 1000 I Amj the Finest Stoclcof eerschaum Goods in the city S Snle Positive NVILLIAM FULLER Assignee dii F A PASCOE AGF T Vulcan POWDER I co I L Caps and Fuse Sign Writer 210 main Street Opp Postoffice OP STAIRS Fresco Graining 1 I PENLETON SON HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY 0 W Second South iielTwalker near WalkerOpera Honae ROYAL BAKING POWDER i hW 1k I I bI I 4KlrG I I POWDER t Absolutely Pure This Powder never varies A marvel purity strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition WIt I the multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate Powders Sold only in cans KOYAL BAKING POWDER Coiijj Wal onir sKeet New York iJ I i MEDICAL Dr FOOTE Senior Of 120 Lexington Avenue New York Hereby cautions the public NO T to Employ or Communicate with a man styling himself Dr Fool jr without making due inquiry I This man came to Salt Lake City repre enii I himself as the son of Dr E B FOOTK 01 vw York the well known specialist a abundant proved by affidavits As rumors came into sai rake r-ake Cit from Dakota and Montana from an expose made there ho changed his base aol represented himself a the son of a more noted specialist in New York City than Dr E B i 1 FOOE the well known author Mr JOIS TROW of the well known Trows 1 r Director New York City forty years in the direct tr < business ExGovernor atsx FULLEPof itaE and the lIon ADRAf WAKEMAN Jor maIr rear Postmaster in New York City also > lneroro the Port gave their affidavits that there are in other doctors in New York by the name of FJ i or FOOTE excepting Dr E B FOOTE the aflthr of Medical Common Sense etc and his tw sons Dr E U FOOTE Jr and Dr HUBERT T I FOOTE The genuine Dr FOOTE Jr will hereafter I here-After always employ the initials E U in desi I nating his name Heretofore he has ei > u I known not only at home but wherever his put lications have been circulated by the name tn Dr FOOTE Jr Greater care will be taken her I after in view of the fact that an unprincipled person has assumed to profit by his ami li fathers reputation I Those desiring further and more dittil I formation in respect to this matter will rome it by addressing Box H Salt Lake City I tali Persons having information oi advantage t plaintiffs will kindly communicate the same 10 J W Ivey with Sutherland Molirule salt Lake City Those desiring to consult DP FOOTE professionally profes-sionally or to order remedies should aiMre I either I Dr E B FOOTE Sror Dr E B FOOTEJr I 120 cxiiiRton Avc New York Consnltation Free in person or by letter I JEWELRY I I O I WATOHES I j I L H 0 L LANDERS AT JEWELRY STORE 118 lain Street Salt Lake City ELIASONS 142 MAIN STREET You can and the largest assortment of Gold Silver Watches I JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS And everything needed in that line 1 ery Xjocree > t Prj COB Sacred Heart Academy OGDEN CITY UTAH Oduoed THE SISTERS OP THE HOLY CROSS THE COURSE OF STUDY IS rnOIWl Ii and embracIng aU the branches Qf n solid audi accomplished education era accomplshed edncaton Lanla t l Boys up to the ago of twelve free of reeelel charge in a separate building years School Will Open September 1st 1885 1 51 Halfare tckets can bo procured tor pnpl Sisters For terms of the and Holy full Cross particitliors Ogden Utah address 1 ST MARYS ACADEIO Salt Lake City Utah CONDUCTED BY THK SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS Classes for Boarders pupTls sumed and day pupils will be f MONDAY AUGUST 31ST 1885 The conrseof stud study of embraces all the braileilL a thorough and accomplished nI brullll LAXOUAOES mxn1RWau edlcatll anil rot Jtls H Being indued in the English extra charg course form i steam will Tho be brick ready for September additioi1 The to the low AcacNI apparatus vilibe in basemut of ami TERMS MODERATE department Small boy boarders received in 1 seputlA pupils flailfare tickets eal be procured for the Foor Catalogue address sla1ove |