Show The Sweet Singer of the Rockies The burro is a condensed jackass He is little all over except his ears and voice He has long hair all over his body four legs two ears and one tail As a vocalist voca-list the burro stands without a rival He starts off with a lowj sweet ohyhe ohvhehawhehawhaw haw he haw1 I and keeps it up until you tremble for his life and just as you think he will surely stop or die and get out of misery he disappoints all your fond expectations ex-pectations by turning on a little more sound reversing the action and retracting all he has just said A vocal solo rendered by a fully equipped burro is an experience never to be forgotten I have seen strong men moved to tears as they listened to his sweet but melancholy cadencebecause they had no club or battering ram with which to show their appreciation and soothe their perturbed spirits The burro cannot sing without raising his tail As his vocal organs limber up his tail ascends until it extended in one horizontal straight line and from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail he is one continuous harmonious exultant wave of sound I used to think the burro sang with his tail but this was a mistake The burro sings with his other end But this I know from experience The best way to ride a burro is to hire a cowboy to do it for you Denver Tribune |