Show SHOULD BE PETITIONED AGAINST A Redaction of the Mall Service I Against Which Eureka Is Kicking I A DEMOCRAT reporter in an interview I with Mr Pat Cusick of Eureka Tintic learned that the daily mail from Silver City to Eureka a distance of three and a I half miles had been reduced to a tr weekly on August 1st through some unaccountable un-accountable freak of the Postoffice Department De-partment at AVashington It is a matter of intense surprise that a town like Eureka with fully 800 inhabitants I inhabit-ants 350 houses and may new ones in course of construction and in the height coue of business prosperity should be limited to a triweekly mail service To lmited of mail give some idea of the amount mai going into that camp Mr Cusickgave our reporter a list in which the average letter and paper mail footed up as follbws 8 letters daily 75 daily papers of which 27 are DEMOCRATS 50 weekly papers and 150 registered letters per month From this showing it i easily seen that a daily mail is necessary and that otherwise I many of the daily papers will be discontinued discon-tinued The town of Eureka is the most pros porous mining town south of Salt Lake and is only second to Park City as a Utah mining camp The mines in that vicinity are uaying handsome dividends and have been for years past Eureka Hill produces from 800000 to 1000000 a year the Beck and Bullion mines from 500000 to 750000 and many other properties of less note are being steadily worked and developed by the owners with good results and encouraging outlook for the future encourgng I is i easily seen that unless the daily mail is reestablished time mercantile and business interests carried on by Salt Lake merchants with that camp will be greatly injured as most of the supplies consumed are purchased here Not only will we be injured by this change for there is nothing that retards the local growth of a camp like the absence of daily mail facilities The proper authorities authori-ties will do well to investigate the claim of Eureka to a daily mail service and reestablish it at once To further show that the camp is progressing is the recent re-cent establishment of an office at Eureka by the Pacific Express Company |