Show DILKE AND MRS CRAWFORD Both Deny the Charge Rich Scandal When the Case Conies Up LONDON August 10In order to mitigate the disastrous effects of the CrawfordDilke scandal the Liberals are circulating the statement that Sir Charles Dilke denies that he had criminal intercourse with Mrs Crawford Craw-ford and the lady herself has withdrawn the confession made to her husband and when in the witness box will declare that the confession was not true and was made under hysterical delusions Mr Crawfords friends insist that he has evidence apart from his wifes confession but say that he will not persevere in the action unless convinced that it is perfectly justifiable and absolutely necessary The tnal will be the last of a heavy list to be heard in the divorce cOurts in December The name of Sir Charles Dilke has been expunged from the list of speakers for the coming electorial campaign Sir Charles will pass the Autumn the Villa near Toulon Sir Charles Duke has written to his constituents con-stituents denying the truth of the accusation brought against him and asking their forbearance for-bearance until the trial of the divorce case which he says he awaits with confidence |