Show WHOLESALE GROCERS j tttt sesm cncncnrn tj iI ri W stTjt1mtTj tj A H tf Jf 2 Ii III IQ I tI u I 0 t3 0 2 trJ A I Q trJ o H rn w td4 8 j I oi I I J I I OJ cmccm 3333 I QC2OO I WKWW cnaacnaa a MISCELLANEOUS THE EAGLE FOUNDRY And Machine Co i IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS ia 75 77 and 79 AV Second South Street I SALT LAKE CITY Manufacturers of Furnace Mining antI Milling Machinery Mining Cars and Car Wheels Slag Pots Burs and Pans < > uuu i < tu > fo Sampling Mills Etc Cast and Wrought Iron Fencing ana Cresting and alllcluds of Builders Iron Work including Ornamental Columns for front and Interior Supports Orders promptly filled and all work guar anteed I HOUSECLEAJSrJNG Season Is now here and TULLIDGB Co Have received their Spring Stock of VV ALL PAPER I Including every desiffn and quality I Kalsomining House and Sign Painting < By the most skilled workmen and at Reasonable Rates iii r r < 1 i FURNITURE I BkRRATTBROS1 I Ml to M9 Main Street and 78 W Second South Street I Salt Lake Oity I I i Wholesale niul Retail Dealers in I FURNITURE I i Etc DEto I I I I i i i Walnut Mahogany Ash and Maple I j i j CHAMBER SUITS I General Upholstery j j I Parlor Goods Fine Chairs LOUNGES A SPECIALlY Mirrors Mouldings Shades Curtains I j AU WINDOW TRIMMINCS I I HAVE EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF I Barratt Bros I I Patent Combination Parlor Suits I I Iron CHAIRS Iron BEDSTEADS I I Nn I I Pa1en1 DIIat1rcsses I 1 I I I I We carry a Largo Stock of Feathers Hair Shucks And EXCELSIOR MOSS WOOL i j I ji Ii I i I Vo make and handle iI j ALL KINDS or MATTRESSES j I I We propose to make Prices to Suit the Times I I I I I II I I We Pack Goods to Insure Safety Ian I-an Avoid Weight I I I Call or Write for Prices j BARRATT BROS I I t I I BREWERIES AND SALOONS II I i I A Fisher Brewing Co Brewery near U C R R and D Jt R G Depots I Salt Lake City Utah I I We are now prepared to supply the Public with Keg and Bottled Beer Of Superior Quality A1 Popu1ar Prices HEADQUARTERS The City Depot for the celebrated Albert Fisher Deer is at Tufts Nystroms Popular Beer Hall 109 S Main St Where will always be found a supply of our j I e cits jSottlocal Boer Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended To I BREWERY P O Box 1H7 Telephone 294 HEADQUARTERS at Tufts Nystroms Tele phone 179 A Fisher Brewing Co The Fisher Beer Hall main Street Two Doors Soath of Postofficc i HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND THE FINEST i i Jj Wines Liquors and Cigars thdt the market affords j 1 affordsHe He AI A Fisher Brewing Companys Ce1ebra1ied Beer Alwayson Draught Fresh and Cool Cll8An orders left with us for the above BEER will receive prompt attention TOMNEY HILLSTEAD Props Telephone No 210 The Old Reliable CAMFOBMA BREWERY Is again this year 1SS5 producing tho Finest Lager Beer IS THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Bottled Beer a Specialty Try it and be convinced Office 17 and 19 E 2d South Stteet i Salt lake City I HENRY WACENER Propr j J LLOYD i Custom Boot and Shoe Maker No 9 East Second South Street I I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I 1 Established 1S69 I ffIi 2 2 < BANKS r Union National Bank SALT LAKE CITY Capital Fully Paid 200000 i rpRANSAOTS GENERAL BANKING I TRANSACTS Receives deposits payable on I demand Collections made at current rates and remittances j remit-tances made on day of payment I t Correspondents in the principal cities of the j I United States and Europe COMMODIOUS SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT Connected with the Bank Special attention given to the sale of Ores and Bullion I JOSEPH It WALKER President BENJ G RAYBOULD Cashier U S DEPOSITARY Deserel National Bank SALT LAKE CITY Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 200000 H S Eldredge President 1 I Wm Jennings VicePrest Feramorz Little John Sharp > Directors Wm W Riter I L S Hills Cashier j Jas T Llttle Asst Cashier J j I Receives Deposits Payable on Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Chicago St Louis Omaha London Lon-don and principal continental cities Makes Collections Remitting Proceeds I Promptly McCORNICK Co1I I BA EBS I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I And Hailey Idaho Transact EveryDescription of Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS Importers and Traders National Bank N Y Commercial National Bank Chicago Ills First National Bank Chicago Ills Chemical National Bank N Y Omaha National Bank Omaha First National Bank San Francisco Cal Kountze Brothers N Y State Savings Association St Louis Crocker Woolworth Co San Francisco Cal City National Bank Denver T K JONES S S J LYNN T R JONES Co ZG SLUKt fSh t SJbsfi > Salt Lake City Utah Transact a General Banking Business in I all its Branches Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange I Careful attention given to Collections and remittances re-mittances made on day of payment Long Loans made on City Real Estate at low rates of interest Special attention given to the Selling of Ores and Bullion of which Consignments are solicited Advances made on ore Base Bullion Gold and Silver bars shipped for refining I CORRESPONDENTS New York J B Colgate Jt Co Omaha Omaha National Bank Chicago First National Bank San Francisco Bank of California Denver Colorado National Bank Wells Fargo Cos 1 BAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH General Banking Business Transacted Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and old Special attention given to the purchase and I sale of ores and bullion Returns for collections promptly made at current I cur-rent ratqs I Telegraphic transfers made and nnmTnorpini f And travelers credits issued available in the i principal cities of the world Having in addition to our Bank correspondents correspond-ents an Express Agency in almost every town West of the Rocky Mountains afford us i I special facilities for making collections and executing commissions I i Accounts of Banks and Bankers mercantile f and manufacturing firms corporations mm in I ing companies stock growers and individual I received on favorable terms j CORRESPONDENTS I New York Wells Fargo A Co i San Francisco Wells Fargo Jt Co I Boston Maverick National Bank I Chicago Merchants National Bank 1 p Cincinnati Third National Bank I Denver First NationalJBank I Omaha First National Bank I 8t Louis t < Boatmens Savings Bank f New OrleansLouisiana National Bank Paris Lherbette Kane Jt Co Xxmdon Wells Fargo Jt Co I JE DOOLY Agent COAL I LRGW I Coal Agency 145 S MAIN STREET I Pleasant Valley II I I Anthracite Blacksmith COAL I I Coke Charcoal Wood I CtI1 All of the above Coals are thoroughly screened and clean Prompt Delivery Guaranteed i I I Telephone 211 SELLS BURTON CO Managers Wr Liig OJ I Rock Spring J V n r Weber I z Red Canyon I Pleasant Valley I All the coals In the market and the very best I of each It t I 0 I ij j i Oofi 1 Dept TT P UrSv 0l j A J GUNNELL Agent t OFFICE Wasatch Corner I YARD Utah Central Pep I WEBER COALl Home Coal Company Dealers in COAL from the 1 WasatchfCrismon Mines j Conlvllle Utah I j Price Delivered II At yard 1600 per ton i 560 II II i WLeave 3 ORDERS with I HENRY DIWJDODEY Nos 37 t041 W Firat South Street Salt Lake City y tf 1 < i L i I Jf 0 f 1 o eIF HARDWARE MINING MACHINERY AND GENERAL SUPPlIES H S ItUMFIELD GEORGE M SCOTT President JAMES GLENDINNING VicePresident Secretary Geo M0SeottCo qJ BfPORTERS AND DEALERS TN HARDWAREIRONhSIEEL1RON PIPE Miners Tools Stoves Jrdoiware Etc ANT > A General Assortment of Mill Findings GRANITE IRONWARE AND DRIPPING PANS STAMPED TAPAN11 BLACK POLISHED GALVANIZED AND PIECED TINWARE FIN K BLACK SHEET AND GALVANIZED IRON LAPWELDED CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES STEAM GAS AND WATER PIPE BRASS GOODS SEL DENS PATENT PACKING ETC ETC Also Carry in Stock a Full Line of Blakes lm1roed Hteam jumps and Pllnl inn Engines John A Hoeblings Sons Cos Steel Wire Roc Yaenum lvliIllIr and Engine Oil Hercules Powder Caps and Fuse Boston Belting oump Rosin and Patent Stretched Rubber Belting Stockholm Tar Pitch LUBBICA I G OILS Exclusive Agents for the Heavy SteelTempered Battery and Bolting Wire Clot CUNNINGTON cr Till LEADING HOUSE IN UTAH FOR FAMILY AND MINING SUPPUE I We carry a full and complete stock of Staple and FaneYrGloceries Wholesale and Retail In our E3ard are pepar1raent We carry a full line of Carpenters and Machinists Tools and all Kinds of iraim ware Tinware Table and Pocket Cutlery In our WXiriii Dep t < ent We carry a full stock of Candles Powder Fuse and Caps Picks Shovels Stool Steam Fittings Etc Etc and we are Agents for GIANT POWDER ORIENTAL SPORTING AND BLASTING POTVDEK Hooker Pumps Howe Scales and the Crescent Extra Steel CUNNINGTON CO L C PAIIKK President C P MASON n T LACY VicePresident General Manarer Utah andMontanauiMachlnery Co SUCCESSOR TOE TO-E E = tsE LACY cfi GO Carries the Itlost Complete Stock In the West Hoisting Engines Rock Brills AIR COMPRESSORS I Westinghouse Engines Etc Etc Knovles Steam Pumps and Pumping Engines Boilers Blo ers ct3 F1s Wire Rope Horse Whims Steam and Air Hose I Iron Pipe tnd i ttingsj Hancock Inspirators Valvoline Cylinder and Machine Oils Chilled Iron Car Vh < vk Smelter Mill and Mining Supplies Contracts and Estimates made for Cornish Rolls Rock Breakers Exclusive Agents for the Triumph Concentrator Concentrating and Stamp Mills and Smelters Machinists Tools Woodworking Machinery etc etc Send for circulars Office and Warerooms 259 Maui Street Salt Lake City Age1cy B 1tc JIrOt1tana MISCELLANEOUS Postofflce Box 973 o S Telephone No > wi tCP t-CP A P SCOE DEALER IN Lime Cement Plaster Hair Building Rock Salt AGENT FOIt The Utah Lime and Cement Company Sanpete Palace Stone Com fgj Fl LLA pany Utah a United States Encaustic Tile Company Indianapolis B1 Beck Gos Lincrust4WATEpfiOOF ipplr tr i Hangings New York i Ksl i i v Ullictll jrowaer Jo E1 Magic Window Shades MISCELLANEOUS F E SCHOPPE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ISTOVES I j ¼ j j I I I fiN f r Cast and Wrought Iron RANGES T 3 3XT H I Copper and SheetIron Work I 253 S Main St Salt Lake City 1 He iiE1lerhec II I I PLUMBERS I Soleagents for the EXETER most economical and HEATER the reliable heater in use nt rplpesolahi on short notice 49 East First South Street SALT LAKE ellY I r C an lclm < 1 Jalll M L VAN wva SC S wearoromicloth TENsaJLIhCU1CI C1III > Oil F A JJoJSCOE ASfCOJSy Local Agent SALT LAKE CITY MISQELLANEOUS THE WYOMiNC i Hereford Association i OF WYOMING I IIwe opened 11 SALES YARD al the hilace r merly known h t aI PUts Garden where ran r UIWUYFi be found il HIGH GRADE AND THOROUGHBUKD E1 e r e r > II I I c r d S FOR If Ii i I SALE f E QRG AN General Jlu ger KAHN BROS The well known and Reliable Wholesale IU1 > Retail GROCERS Country Dealers will find it to their ADVAV TAGE to ADVfi send their orders firm In the to the above r lheBot Eatiii Depar1znoXL t I Stddk Th2FRESHEST and BEST Goods are kept in I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |