Show HENLEYS CELERY BEEF IRON USE DR HENLEYS Celery Beef and Iron The Great Nerve Tonic Xi caUses an efeotua1 curo in cases of NeU ra1tin N erVoUsnesa SJoep1ossness De bi1ity Dyspepsia indi cstio ru Uor anc1 IIa1aria1 Disoases FoJ Sn1o at all Dru I iBtS at Oxxo ZDoHLaz a 8ot11e I Be sure and see that the name of Tut hill Cox Co or the Celery Beef andIron I and-Iron Ext r CI Co is on each bottle I I BUSINESS CARDS s Nr > taXVN N NXN r > wN > IT li CLUTE DRAYMAN TRANSACTS J 5L2s general Transfer business to and Iron Depots Leave orders at Remington Johnson t Cos VIHATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY KE T it paired Adolph Haucrbach jCElst Sth FRED ANDERSON REAL ESTATE BROker I BRO-ker and Notary Public Rents houses collects col-lects rents and interests loans money at low rates makes out deeds mortgages etc House and lots for sale in all parts of the city Office In old Salt Lake House No trouble to show properties HASTINGS STAR EXPRESS HAS BET D tcr facilities for moving Pianos fine Furniture etc than any one and if you wish moving done with care and dispatch call oil him at No 141 Main Street Telephone No 13S All kinds of freight handled Orders promptly attended to toAND fIIIINA AND JAPAN BAZAAR A LARGE J assortment of Imported and Fancy Goods always on hand of every description New goods received daily Prices reasonable Hong Hop No 207 Main street Postofflce BoNo Bo-No 10C3 T0S 1 2 AND 3 DR HIGGINS CATARRH I Remedy is warranted to cure all cases if directions are followed Office No 272 Main Street I tALL AT NO 272 MAIN STREET THREE CALL north of Clift House and see Dr Higgins theMicroscopic and Analytic Physician Physic-ian the Specialist before taking medicine of anyone else All orders by mail promptly filled Address Dr C W Higgins No 272 Main Street Salt Lake City Utah FOR SALE SA E A GOOD J AMIL HOnSE FOR Buggy and Harness Price very low Address Holcomb P O Box C28 Salt Lake City PROFESSIONAL CARDS J S B KEYSon I lOeixtleit Herald Building opposite Continental Hotel West Temple Street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH A S ChAPMAN J L WHYTOCK DDS CHAPMAN WHYTOCK o DentiSts Walker Opera House Anaesthetics admlnis ered Telephone in office T7 C NICHOLS F Don tis OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone I in Office Anesthetics given II BEDOLFE Mil 1 Civil Enginecr And United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor Room 19 Commerce Block P OBox 19C I T7 > B WILDER I E I JVC iy j T s iEiXSsi xoor i ND U S DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR and underground surveys with t1 Mining drawings of same a specialty Office 139 Main street up stairs by Jones Cos Bank ASSAYERS ItANK FOOTE 1 FJtANK Assnyor SALT LAKE 1O 141 SOUTH MAIN STREET NO City Personal attention given to all business busi-ness rr M BISHOP F i I Assnyer lfl MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITYUTAII All work Carefully and Promptly Executed r McVICKER J SUnder Assnyer > Under McCornicks Bank Main St SALT LAKE CITY UTAH V7 G M STEWARD Assayor 10 E Second South Street PO Box 449 Under barber shop east of U P Ticket Office BOOKBINDING E V FOHLIN JI Boo1Jbindor and Periodicals me Magazines Send your them bound In and you can depend on having a good style Low Prices EV FOHLlii No 26 S Main Street INSURANCE LEWIS B ROGERS INSURANCE I THE LION FIRE INSURANCE CO Of London England Capital and assets 4694993 ORIENT INSURANCE CO Of Hartford Connecticut Capital and assets I 159555034 WASHINGTON F M INS > COO W Capital and assets O Boston Massachusetts 1551850 Vaults Union Na AtSafeDcpOsit r At Safe L I S TUCKER II W SELLS SltLJS JAMES SELLS S CO in Who tIe and Retail Dealers JIdD BER FIOOU1N C WIN LTIIS iATIISPICKETS ° ES PICKETS Plf V r JJvWWElGHTS < fe NAILS DOORS WINDOWS MOULDING A pcialty Pricestc Suit the Times ORDERS FOR REDEFINE SOLICITED Call ou us before purchasing elsewhere 152 W First Soutli Street Opposite 14th Vnrd Assembly Keems 1r II COAL OIL and Fluid at Pioneer Lamp t Store 57 E First South Street I A Challenge for Blood Hebe West Captain of the Reds challenges chal-lenges the Barker nine for a match game of ball next Friday for 50 a side winner win-ner to take GO per cent and loser 40 percent per-cent of thegate receipts The Reds are made up as follows Ridges c Larsen 1st b Beattie 3d b Peck I f Groesbeck r f Vest p Bess 2d b G Golding s s D Watson e f I Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron restores Lost Vitality Protect Your Family I It is the duty of every man rich or poor who has created a home to make some provisions against the inevitable for those who are dependent upon him and this most desirable result can be obtained ob-tained by procuring a policy the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York the oldest active company in America and the largest life insurance company in the world Rates etc furnished by Louis Hyams Agent 55 Main street Hooper Eldridge Block Salt Lake City Ladies Should Use Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron White House For the best meals and rooms go to the White house Everything firstclass and low rates Great Reduction in Livery At Mark McKimmins Livery Stable I Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron cures Debility and Loss of Appetite SMOKE the Celebrated Famous Cigar manufactured by Sam Levy II I I I NEW TODAY I Notice for Publication jNo 20461 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH August 10th 1885 J VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIlE I NOTICE settler has filed notice of I her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that the said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday September 12 1885 viz Emma JS Bodell Homestead Entry No 3599 for the i s WXof Section 3 Tp 4S Range AV Salt Lake I Meridian She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Jos F Farmer Jas M Farmer Far-mer Jas Dansie and Robt Dansie all of Salt Lake County Utah I II McMAjrrEit Register I Bum t LOWE Attorneys for Applicant S = I RUGS AND CHEMICALS I BOLIVAR ROBERTS W A iNELDKN ROBERTS c NELDEK t DRUGS AND Assayers Goods f j I We offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock of iI I i Drugs Assayers Material and Toilet Articles Druggists Sundries rSurgiO 1 rriStrtDnen s Eltc Et I S Ever Brought to this Market i I We are Agents for all the Leading Lines of Goods we carry and can offer Better Prices than ever given before Entire Drug Stores Furnished at Five Days Notice We are Never Undersold UUrito for 3Exioo6 ox send a TxioJL Oxdoor 220 halt Street Opposite Postoflke Salt Lake City Utah = KELSEYS REAL ESTATE LOAN COLLECTION v AGENCY Lewis P Kelsey SUCCESSOR TO ELI B KELSEY REAL ESTATE LOAN COLLECTION AGENCY OfficeNo 25 and 27 E First South St Salt Lake Oity U1ah 3E3s teIisIiec3l in 13a77 MERCHANT TAILORS r r Established 1876 Large X IMPORTATIONS t l por lall IL51 0 4 i c OV tEOKhBON lIIUst IIELve ItE11 Summer Suits to Order from 2500 Patronngo Respoo1fu11y Solicited JOHN TAYLOR SON EiEwIIL1NP T III ESTABLISHED IN 1S6T Have just received a Choice Lot of SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS Call and examine our stock Of r the LATEST STYLES which they offer at REDUCED RATES and makeup before having your measure taken elsewhere 4OE Second South StreetSALT LAKE CITY Beer Is life Itself SATURDAY JUNE 27 I opened at the old ORDNER JONES SALOON SA-LOON with a fine stock of Beer Liquors and Cigars Of fine grades and we expect to see you there Come along and call often Lots experience and plenty of goods insure success We will please yon and strive to hold yonr patronage pShooting Gallery Billiards and Pool on the premises A J PEACOCK Opposite the Operallouse Second South St Columbia River Salmon EASTERN WESTERN and LOCAL FISH I w I FISH FISH a l FISH Fresh Daily Wholesale and Retail HOTELS and FAMILIES SUPPLIED JOHN H FREEMAN 324s 8th East MULLOY PAUL Salt Lake Livery and Transfer Stables j AND OMNIBUS LINE I No S 35 i 37 Second South St opp Opera Honse I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Telephonic Connection with Hotels and Orders j S Uecoiverompt Attention I Pioneer Fruit Packing House of Utah FRED Gc LYNCBERC Dealer in Foreign and Domestic PH UXTS Oysters Fish and Game Nos 44 and 46 First South Street Salt Lake Armory SINCE THE FIRE 29TT Second South Street OPPOSITK THE ALTA BLOCK Pool Billiards Shooting FtIM C XV1D KELLY BROTHERS Have removed their Bookbinding Establishment Establish-ment to No 46 W Second South St II Central Block next to Opera House where they will bo pleased to see all their old friends and many new ones All work firstclass Prices way down mybetoundOflfilO tt OOP ftHt rIDflt1 Ad THIS PAPER coOs eW1aPC1 aurth1a stkwhro Bureau 10 Spruco Tertlllng IX NEW ORK contracts maY bo nadu font |