Show PROPER CA CARE E OF COCKERELS young fowls will nm need it plenty of right kind of food and shelter im for beet beat development thus those who have good cockerell cockerels cocker encLar els ele needed to for breeding birds in their own flock bucks 0 will wil I 1 see to it that they are properly cared for ills young cock ciak berels will mill need plenty of the right kind of ford feed rod and the p raper proper shelter and protection 0 so o the they y may develop into auto good birds the mistake Is sometimes made ot of not keeping beeping enough cockerels cockerell cocker els for the fill number a ber of hens hena needed on the far farm in A aa a result of this far farm flocks flock some times produce too small a per cent of fertile ikea this means an considerable ab 1 a loss losa tor far tile infertile egg unused 1 la ireba is 1 almost if not act a complete loss it is not net easy to tell fell tile the kind ot of in birds ida young cockerell cockerels coLker cocker eIl els will make at least while bile the are quite anite young it 1 la nieces v beti generally brally to keep the birds till their t type ype pl plumage n in go and bian blua lity ma can b be e aasc ascertained the best Is 13 none too good and no one should afford to keep poor door cock should none of our flock be sul It tible bl the then alp dispose a of all 11 and ad get rood good coch cocherell cockerels cocker erele els to breed up your flok flock chia wilt will be economical la in the end |