Show th the Verta M manchurian hh F farmer fa a la in the early tall fall la in manchuria the active undergo a sort of magic change from rom farmer to bandit it seems beams something ot of a psychological somersault one day a plodding former farmer the next a highwayman after the tall rail kao Imo baug batig or giant millet met 1 la cut and ad escape I 1 is not at so an easy y ovar the bore bare plains plain another athe lio ile dap P ot of the 0 leads hands and lo 10 a peaceful farm farmer s r once more I 1 1 it 1 Is not got only the farmer who plays this exciting lit game many another blaid member of the community has be his little cing bing some even combine their roles role differ differentiating e nt inting according to the seft seas with the oriental a disregard for or conditions a men man la is often a mait merchant and magistrate all at once mils alle alac tisdale 1 in the atlantic |