Show wonted gad girls gi to work in hotel at lund a at t once appl to MRS ADA CARTER lund utah ally adv FOR RENT two roomed house for further particular a call C 11 on no or write arte rte to DP D P BARTON adv tf parowan carowan Pa rowan utah DR F J BURTON physician surgeon erwi pr wi ut Off 07 crall H at har P beaver parowan carowan transportation COMPANY successor to D P barton regular trips act between en bc beaver and P every cry tuesday thu thursday sclay and saturday reservations at parowan carowan drug store crocker gurr proprietors f ar afi LICENSED abstracter NOTARY PUBLIC agent for lor McCormick accor ik farrin farm machinery chic tery dealer in giol groceries notions jewelry etc et E R liston listen harness and shoe maker harness oiled and repaired shoe repairing a specialty I 1 carry in stock fla harness ries saddles saddies collars bridles et etc P uth utah 10 palal cream Sopar separators alors worlds standard ianes absolutely sol guaranteed for prices and term write wro wm P barton agent P consi utah ALSO OPERATES AUTO STAGE LINE daily beique between Pala genah and cedar carries carriea passengers and light express E V riding cio can ad d pact d deoring na to gnp wilt ba ed rt gatei bl d rh r tajh h ad a c cast car the ads are worth readle Subs subsonic subscript crit a for the times E M decker 0 D optometrist makes regular visits visit to paro nn ahr awed and ad guaranteed repairing lepsi rig and did ollice in 1 tolton W block k br B r utah MAKE YOUR FINAL PROOFS and do houi land busine basim 5 with W WARNER MITCH ELL cir clerk of ahro the court artap t a i ettin nd a br set t si ff 0 h I 1 four year X pen enco woi write him for ni aha on dorri RANDALL L JONES ARCHITECT member of uth utah A of artan architect CEDAR ca CITY ty UTAH DR I 1 E SMITH old reliable dentist forty years year practice pinches in southern souther n cidh modern dentistry in all 11 branches branch headquarters paro wen wan utah D DEAL E A L bakery cafe FRESH BREAD CAKES PIES DOUGHNUTS ETC MEALS AT ALL HOURS MRS VANGIE WOOLEY P prop PP P corar rl of ml mattel P hufh i AUTO SERVICES between carowan parowan beaver tuesdays Tuc iday thursday and saturday SPECIAL TR TRIPS aps A your convenience fh thoa O taylor pam carowan parowan Pa rowan nut ut I 1 phone ribe no now M J macfarlane M 0 phy phyan shira c CEDAR CITY UTAH offices in knell block over cedar city drug store VP am cw sa ga 14 1 you can get QUALITY LUMBER f I 1 at right prices from walter C mitchell 11 parow carowan an uta utah h J A vo al oh I 1 I 1 guess ill wait until spring 11 the auto automobile life indi atty at pra nt at L 19 in ci very interesting L stage I 1 all the motor car manufacturing plants in the count country t together mm th r L cannot make a sufficient number of automobiles in any ay twelve L month th period to supply the demand fot foi cars care during that pen P gi a during the string simmer bummer and fall months w ll 11 venture to say my 4 there are not half hair a dozen men in the united state stales where here the I 1 i man an who wants to buy an automobile can secure immediate citi I 1 avery and I 1 the h wait it will be anywhere from th three me three I 1 i ayery adl 21 months I 1 i there are still a great many people who not being familiar with th the h Z modem dm d m motor a car feel it I 1 is better to ride in street car to or 9 go 1 i azrin about mil on im foot during the winter months mo instead of going swift I 1 i ly snugly and warmly to and from their work and pleasures pleas urea in j i an n automobile t bd rah therefore f are the he demand for cars slack up during 1 the winter mier coo months hr and the g great I 1 maji majority alty of dealers are able to j I 1 III get sufficient 1 head ahead to make immediate deli deliveries eries J I 1 31 all or of which explains ahyat the present time can give put pur LC chaBer chesel dodge brothers car and super sixes immediate pose pol I 1 ie session of the their automobiles automobile 1 and now a word regarding the situation which confronts confront you I 1 gentlemen who have made up your mind to buy an automo automobile tot tie j I 1 in the spring you are not only sacrificing a great deal of corn coin 1 f M f fort tand and convenience now in not having h g th a carlo g get b with but the supply of cirs ready fv for or immediate dell delivery cry at this time will melt away over right night before the next sixty days are I 1 up bod and very y likely k ay iy on the he morning a you ond find yourself ready to I 1 buy a re car you 0 w will I 1 d discover I 1 scover the best anat you can do is to piece your order and WAIF V perhaps a week wee I 1 ore am likely a month f I 1 ti I 1 abc dooh looh man who buys raw now will 11 congratulate himself on an his far fore j f sight a good many times timea before summer J PAROWAN AUTO CO HALTERMAN PARAMORE ia proprietors 1 1 S it VIM it t YOU NEED bleed IT NOW it il f Is t the s time you D need a banking see account t W every ev e r y payment your business calls tor for should h id be made by check it is the only absolutely safe way it adds dignity and tone to your business isyou if you hareno have no checking account you should olsen one at once and grow with your bank we cen can offer you some attractive reasons reason w why by you should bank with us i if bank of iron iran county PAROWAN UTAH capital and surplus utah 1 OFFICERS DIRECTORS I 1 L thiril N li L N M W wm ad wina wm adam vice pre E L I 1 citric ft nor if S blayton kitcherl Kit cheIL n Is am if I 1 arm john ja a 8 a s I 1 i i C jr 7 J rs abc ss is ss s s SS as 14 00 los and angeles return california M mid id winter fl 1 E EXCURSION X C U R IS 10 N january 31 1 make your reservations early I 1 1 1 for spa specs ca on the t ill SPECIAL TRAINS I 1 see G L stewart agent lund ut v 1 l for trin train ach schedules edles rates and ifor acs S s mation a ion or write wm win warner A ft 11 G P A 10 E 3rd ard S salt lake city ag ou S as sa i sa as MR butter wrappers per 1000 |