Show GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS remarkable and Appo appropriate pm flow appears on the old temple clock ut in land londei the old temple clock in london bears a carious inscription the origin of f which 1 Is ascribed to a chance remark home wee bearg car ago go a master at work man was emp employ loyld cd to repair and ad put in a new face ace on the clock NN ft b hen his work was aa nearly done he asked the beach I 1 Is for an appropriate motto to curve carve upon the base they promised to think of 0 one week after week walk be came for their decision but was as put off on one day he be f bound it the them at dinner 1 in ro welon inist ft hat motto it shall I 1 put on the mck clock you your lordship he he asked of a judge oh go 9 beat about bour r business I 1 we h honor r cried angrily lb and very ry suitable u irble tor for a lazy dawdling dugave st gang g the h clock maker k Is said laid bated to have muttered US aa he r retreated e t it eshe la Is certain cartel that he carved bcd lcd go about your bad business I 1 on tho the base ahe he lawyers decided that no 0 b better site warning could be give given th them I 1 at tr say any hour of the day and there the inscription still till remains |