Show BOUND UP FOR FOB PAROWAN reader of times suggests Su get that an effort be made at commit coming roundup round up to S 5 cure curs one oft herein 1918 asman parowan Pa rowan utah jao jan 24 1917 editor times dear sir pardon me m for once more in intruding trudine upon your time and apses apace which you have so go many tinie times in the past patiently ir granted ranted I 1 have thought of the great bens fit t to be derived by the people of t thia his valley allay if we could secure the round hound up for 1918 at Pa carowan parowan rowan could we meet the condition char sets act of that great event we have among us people who are experts in social and public entertainment the people generally are very kind and hospitable and would on id take special interest in ft farmer Far mera roundup round up and housekeepers kee pera bonfe conference r ence have we or ean can we secure lecure build ings inga with commodious rooms to properly and conveniently abat the hundreds that would assemble asem beT we will have the proposed new school building and the new tabernacle we also have the present district school building and I 1 trust you yoa wilt will peru pardon on me for referring to it for I 1 very in much P h dislike to rake over the dying embers of the past in regard to this building as aa you yon it know it Is condemned and will perhaps be torn down but in the tha event that it should not be torn down it is possible for the partition wells wait on the tha second con d floor to be taken out connecting the whole with a large laree arch and the people who might assemble there them being separated only by the on columns the arch this thib won would id do for general assembly pur P pompa social entertainments en amenta and dancing w while ahle the four large we rooms on the tha first floor could be used advantageously for or class rooms making the building build mir ideal for housing all the proceedings incidental to 10 a roundup round up under one ona roof however I 1 believe satisfactory arrangements can be made and the matter should be considered at t the coming roundup round up at cedar city As I 1 contemplate our surroundings and conditions in this thil valley I 1 think I 1 can see aee great opportunities of material interests staring us la in the tha face some will take mn consider sider a able his capital others may be taken up by people of moderate meus means only ly one of which I 1 will mention on that of increasing our hocks flocks by rais raring lambs under sheds sheda in individual or collective pens As aa feed is the important part of lit the preparation I 1 have thought that corn ensilage could be substituted for alfalfa as only a few of our people are able to raise the tatter latter in sufficient quant quantities ties by this capt method the per cent over range lambing lambi nir can be increased from it 71 to per cent with six week earlies lambs lamb 80 instead of 90 60 lambs can be placed upon the market youn very truly CHAS D ADAMS |