Show H honey in a jewish history tho the numerous me YZ references to her honey 1 in the bible bibla or are do due to its being the common sweetener of the people and ad to this day tha jewa who or are floe a old crusty emi conservatives sec tile use honey 1 la cooking where other people use sugar still LC it had a certain distinction and ad was used as aa the symbol ot of and plenty when jeroboam s wife acl wished shed to propitiate the prophet she sha took a it him te ten loaves have two tom cakes and ad a cruse of honey homey when beaus reappeared to his disciples they tested M lud his reality by giving him a piece of broiled fish call and some som honeycomb to eat cut A As for far john the baptist it 1 Is it to all 11 that his common food ot 1 locusts locust and wild honey lay |