Show IDEAL CHICKEN HOUSE FOR FARM FLOCK raa ma R Is aze I 1 POULTRY HOUSE FINDS FAVOR IN KANSAS there are as aa many tapes of 0 chicken houses as af there are of poultry raisers and ad but bat few of these hall houses approach ze the ideal asserts N L Ile harris cria super late adent of tile the poultry plant kansas I 1 ci Alego the ideal chicken house should be it at least 20 feet long and IS 18 f ft et at wide says mr me harris the height h t should ifa be such go as will be convenient a t t to the op aerator about nine feet 1 in f front met and ad not les less than four feet at the hak back with a house of these dimensions there will be no filzen combs comba even in severe winter weather curb F frozen n tombs combs usually result from keeping poultry I 1 in small houses chore ft here good veral ventilation lathat Is a difficult matter there Is no question that cement I 1 is the best beat floor for poultry houses since inc such a floor 1 la wimmy vermin proof and easily cleared clean d the manner of f lighting mg and venti call albl lating a poultry houe b Us is always was iro be patient por tant la in tile opinion pill it of mr harris to too diduch it glass I 1 in a poultry house hens raises the temper temperature sture in the day aud and permits permit rapid radiation at night eight the resulting wide variation of day ad night tempera temperatures tur as 1 fa always injurious to the health of the fowls probably the best means of providing adequate light and ad ventilation bilat too is to have two wind windows aws 1 in t the south side of the bunding building with will a tom cloin atal curtain between during stormy days day while tile the curtain la Is cle clelea led the windows window will P provide sufficient light and ad the curtains artl will allow sufficient ventilation without permitting drafts |