Show UTAH industrial REVIEW jan 8 park city mines ship 1165 ti t n ni of ore valued at the p pt t werk week salt lake 22 utah mines in 1916 paid dividends amoun amounting ung to 24 built buhl far farmers in and ad around here have sold 1000 1 worth of seed the past vear car bingham I iwo carloads cai cat loada loads of me ma a iery for new laundry arrne are ar e here 97 is estimated output of utah mines for nast dast year an in of 42 over 1915 bin bing it im do leads all camps with production of at 13 tons ton ogden union pacific R R co awards contract for 52 miles milea of truck track from wamsutter sutter to point of R ricka irles there them is about as much sense in I 1 mi ting the size of trains traina in utah over improved tracks as aa there is in limiting size of load a farmer can ri haul ban over road he has just paved to tu to have paved american fork has first ore milt mil running in forty years yeara and scores of 0 men are working utah factories output for 1916 is an increase of 40 over 1915 18 people may d utah coal production prod action for 1916 was we 3 tons an increate of to tona eye over last aaa ve year men employed pro provo H herald ld A greater pay pa nil means a greater provo pason ica and cold stor star ae 11 p art ant ni p rated ted here alt claims alm yn in t oc ne clitu r re for that place to be cipf ip tit nt utah employers shared in chrit christ me doaa dividend distributed by the Mu reStates slates telephone company this chii aann of theaon P ciny is 13 in line with that of other offer b big 9 which have bay ed a generous g par vest during dunne the dt dint y year ra and d plad glad lv iv share a portion portia of it with their eniel employees esic salt lake Fran franchise chun granted for E railroad of little and big C itt onwood canyons prow provo county comity commissioner asked to call bond ejection VIcI tIma to build 50 miles concrete highway through utah county government surveyors report discovery of half million sets acre coal field in kane and garfield emlue coun liea provo prove new orleander Orlea Orle ader aBder mining company to fo operate in spinelli spanish for canyon sit bait I 1 ake carnegie corporation considering r request quest for 25 west wear side branch hh y bond 1 issue I 1 likely for city improvements indue nc lud OR ng paving and park site total assets of utah banks bank and trust treat e companies compan pa iea IB 77 3 29 an n increase of 02 past two ye ira are it would seem that the problem before bea Is con congress reas of a national board aboard 0 a in tor rol rolled ned in place of 45 state slate commission an and d a com bulaw budea arbitration ati adin Td in I 1 law should be peal passed at ih in t an the i blo b la weary of continual uneasiness at this autu n salt lake ake city chown a a central debt dt d bt it point for autman aultman tayl ir machinery com company ny I 1 M mansfi an ld id 0 rhe fhe plant will wd 11 be built be t at t a cost of 25 and be ready tor for occupancy by march I 1 erection of building will change W western to it mink t f fum portland po land oreg freso at ut lua lak city loran logan evans sons ice co lets contract for 10 ton ice plant to fur foe atello concern to operate next spring delta delt full acreage la is secured fr fir of proposed sugar factory sort lake installation of beolk signal and construction of pic santa aria AM branch are am chief a am ts provided in annual bud get fer years provides expenditure jf if approximately 5 on improvements prove ments and extension ogden utah power alight light go co arranging arr angine to extend system to OR og den packing provision plant L ua oran may secure establishment of ped pea cannery bingham garfied railway increase ci ea cale capita is stock from 6 QUO to 10 in view of future im prove ments with the price of oil shooting sky ward and refusal of relief measure for california oil men by washing to ton politicians it would be wise for congress to take steps toward pas sing mg workable legislate for develop ment of on government land in the interest ot of conserving 1 coal I and add it supply |