Show why rural life is i dull du rather we should have said why some rural life is dull not oil 11 rural communities corn muni ties are dull many ere are just juet teeming with social life and interest do you realize why some common vt itie are lacking in social lite life and anapa simply because you your pelf elf are deficient in these qualities and your neighbors are very likely in the came ame condition suppose you watte wake up and take an interest in rr matters that chat tend to the betterment of the acial side bide of your community especially of your immediate neighborhood soon your neighbor imbt iff come to life and join Jiin son ou then others will conn drooping along and you will havi haat the LI hal robins and ad it will 9 all you he how rapidly everybody will step into line and march to the tune of at greater life and happiness mary many communities think that i it they have the their farmers meetings meeting preaching occasionally and prayer praye meeting once a week they have ful filled the social laws but not so to be content with these is like liv hy ing ina on a heavy diet of corn bretal bread and meat the human animal is ia a fan loving creature by nature and with his work he be must mix a r reasonable n amount of play if he IB to re tam tain his but mental and physical asu tie tic unimpaired have sing kingings singings sin ginga ings and debates must musi call calit and concerts eon certa athletic sports aport and other healthy forms of amus ment put the youny young people of the community to work in the tine line of entertainments you yon will be sur bar gracd at the amount of really R good ad talent that will come to the front but above all things take an se ac tive interest in these affairs your w alf you may be the very person who in time lime will develop the snap that breeds success community life 1 s just what the people of the community make it and you are one of the people do a your part before asking others to do theirs |