Show OF FIGS FOR A CHILOS BOWELS t is cruel T to I 1 force nauseating harsh po physic into a sick child 11 be bad at our or childhood it daya on the be do dose I 1 met mother he insisted abton a or oil th leow ho calou calomel t evil you b hated at d t them ctr saw how you fought taking fil bliem an ni juith our one children jomn it its different m who he p phobic cling to the old form firm or of 0 A 7 do dou I 1 rea realino lill what they ed ad th their s revolt ta so well to found A ad ear tender leader little insides ins idea it I 1 injured fain are testA by I 1 the bliem it your child 1 d 4 stomach liver and ad towels bowels I 1 need s oil 1 clous 0 cleansing sonatas git only dell A 1 atlon syrup STD or of pho figs it iab ft is pit positive live bit but I 1 gentle ul mol to others keep I 1 this b I 1 barrels harm lesa ir frail 11 inathe h haudy an fi I 1 chev be linow new E children 1 loie a to in take fail I 1 it I 1 that it if aro naver sro 1 talla it to clean the e I 1 nar at and aind 11 ajeet as a n I 1 the stomach 1 everich and that bar a alten 1 I to d veard today es row a lail eaves A a bicle ob child tomor or aba at store for 60 cent bottle of california F hae arup of faga 1 bao which I b lull directions tor or house babies i children fulfer of all ages and tor grown r own up ups plainly chord on each bottle adv complexions completions COMPLEX IONS ao are usually soft and char Clear truid Trial free make C Cuti titan cura soup y your or ON cep itry day wile toilet I 1 soup aud ad resist assist it now cow and then as needed ti III touches reaches of catica Cuti cura that ment to soften soothe end ad heal beat nora ing better to make the complex ap W clear scalp ip free from dandruff and bonds bands soft fr and ad ov hire sample each III b man it with ilith boote back address postcard Cuti Cut cura icum told L boston ibold every shero ad mr wu w no do you chiw i bond lor rail why mr 1 wilt no I 1 blui child it II 11 dovo do vou A know good for far seen a cough gli throat threat and lung traub troubles es that will losa allay inflammation oar and ad injure a good ashl a sleep with free and lel the morl morning jr Them war always the same year alter after year 1 Is 13 Eos os chees german syrup soothing and hearing healing to bre bronchial cibil and throat threat irritation and ad 75 sizes all dragov ad dual dealers everywhere ory here Y your grandfather used it 51 ryot it stops a hacking backing cough like magic wyatt 2114 and 2nd an annual nu sale OF registered hereford Here tord cattle AT AUCTION V hearer V stock ya wed jan 24 1917 visit a denef st show iffet and Heler tHome moch Z 60 band d h hrding s dd bulls SO sees cora with calves at 1 1 toot see nd ret red a to S bood bolln vao 1 ail I oe te bood una to vla 01 ol r e breed mil inoff at arl abble a orlu irr OH a avi AP airiest ION T THC c WYATT LIVE STOCK CO it IS raso olaa side lilily FOR 6 LD N D 16 IliG T I a ca 1 Tuffs autt r s pills hlis all d tre ngiA ao to the A wok tonwen krafte dai ualey and nd bas allder bl lder P E R TRY arien I 1 KA to 0 OF DENVER alth of f write tat tur our or i co uit tot add laa sajda ah aba cba irnel frieada sf co inc ITt tua dop afta A A BOOK OF opportunity FREE W a ov or ury 1 SK I I 1 deett a copper over inina in the aid id orlo B will a eatrow eato oW ID croatt during I 1 affia V joe ted tt wo 16 boole of op buoo 0 i 5 1 VENI TO A it 1 luv ilkka 1 tarata Tar 1 I tt atino 11 tO lind ani TB arl D le all A nun r enoi h fexy fe xv ua e io GALL qa A al L I 1 L ST stoneson STON fa is 0 ESop ns n S r B he ona B abs ali 11 00 ta 0 Latt a pallon 1 MU III t miran sai FREE ii ilg 1 a IJ tt F sit lk ke city no a 3 1 1917 17 a ar many dis distressing tressin g ailments experienced by them are alleviated by lydia E Pink hans hanes vegetable compound here is proof by women who know lowell mass 11 for 0 the tha last three years yean I 1 hava ii been troubled d r with the change of life and the bad fo feelings clings common at that time I 1 waa in a very nervous condition anim with t that headaches and pim a good good deal of tile the I 1 tune I 1 a so I 1 wag unfit to d do my awil work A friend asked me to it try lydia E 1 his ble compound on pi which I 1 d did and it has helped d me a in every aro bay ay I 1 ner am not bearty so nervous no headache or pm pain I 1 nored must say that fadl lydia E Pinh kin hams sAS vegetable compound I 1 13 the best S to any try sick aide woman can tale tahe e BlA BOAREr arx rear kear 2159 formen st lowell mass made she tells her friends to take ydia lydia I E remedies north haven conn when I 1 was 45 1 I had the of I 1 lda fe which Is 13 a trouble all 11 women have at first it bother guer ma a but after a while I 1 g got A bearing down pains I 1 called m doctors who ver told me to it try different e at tiling 1 but they J dij did not 0 ell cure im my 1 I ona day my husband b abd cam horns home and said chy all y doit dont y you t try ry 1 lydia adm E Finkl imms vegetable compound Compon nd an and 4 sanative j e iiara wash 0 well O 1 cost I 1 gob 0 them md and took about 10 bottles of vegetable compound and could feel fact myself regaining my health 1 I also aused used lytha lydia E F pro ay 1 val santive sanative wash and it has done me a great deal D of good any one co coming to III my bouse who from female troubled b lea or changa 4 1 9 0 of 12 11 life fut itea J tu them to 0 calra a the a remedies I 1 there 1 are about 1 1 JO 20 of Us ushers here who think the world ot of them mrs ISELLA BOX north haven 00 conn you are invited to write for free advice tio other medicine e has ham be been so an size successful faful 1 in arch relieving hug orman suffering buffering ris as b baa a lydia E vegetable local compound d women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the lydia JE Pin Pinkham kharn medicine C go lynn sir liess letters are reeve rece veil gil flood ana ed cd by women only and hud 1 in strict confidence important portent to ta mothers exam examine carefully every bottle ot 1 C Cs Is lUKIA A 11 too eliat t famous old remedy andy for intents and fald aad see that lt it dean bears the tha y sol signature of V in Us tise for far over 30 year teara children cry for Flet Flelcher chers fl castoria 01 only role one BROMO DO all tor full mow laiawa artl a MJ ul ciol f r 1 elhura ol 01 I 1 A W farej a amil in a o oy Y lua the new method BY L W bowed wl M D ifo BOO lre ol of any kind ad h often caused alums lums by kidney disorder chib means an that the kidneys arse are not working properly lo poisonous moo matter and ad mrie acid oil ex ron late into with within th the body I 1 in fire great at alamida abundance me over worling the tha sick kidneys bencs ence the tha conge congestion mv of blood siisea ba backache chache 1 in the same manner as a similar con call in the hedd causes a headache beada clio lou IOU become A ncr it despondent despon den dont ar scicli leve levell risu so irritable nive lia li a pta pots app ill before the iho eyes bags under the tha lids lida anil 1 I lack ambition to 0 do things th the latest and ad most meet effective effect ivo means or of overcoming lug Hs 1426 trouble la is to ent eat spar angly agg ot 1 moal 1 drink plenty om water b between meals Is and ad take india a single ing 1 U 1 I 1 tablet before auh st I 1 meat me M far or a whole comply bk k your year lavonie druggist tor far annac to IT II you yon have lumbago lu maBO rheama uses gont goal droupy dropak isla firem wb with this novel u treatment tm t los LOSS S or OP POWER ani a vital to free force follow follos I 1 loss A of aleli I 1 or ia A s emaciation theto th z come irom impoverished mp blood D dr pierces bottea red medical ca discovery enriches I 1 the blood acsa afifi stops la alia laate 01 1 strength fr so g th add ad tissue tr a A and 0 it builds up healthy he tin ay iy 0 fah th thin palo 1 I and it tulo child children are IS made made via plump rosy y and relieve by the discovery os sIvery TIU chiy ih lika it too me in recovering from griar or in convalescence vales cence from A I 1 arters op other wasting in do diseases L vua it sz speedily v cirit and I 1 acil an and a bill I 1 h up thin tha wh whole ole Y A As e on an P isi re S zv sw r art tonic it wt acts at work na ail this tha p s of auald digestion and nutrition to couo ever c very organ into n r v cars action it and ad bif branto babli inch health and ad strength ret or dr P 3 P aarant fillets anra is llull att ctt 1 ia 6 the be As causa of f mae many di 1 cure tho the raire cause ami ad B you curo th the des basy to lake ad aa boins candy y LEADER aleader AND REP PAT SHOT SHELLS for to tho high flyers or the low flyers leador leader and repeater shells have the reach spread and penetration their great sate sale is duo due to these qualities which injure ensure a full bag made in many gauges and loads SS BB TO ASK FOR FOE TOT W KRAND BRAND |