Show WOOL GROWERS MEET IN ZION favor standardized fl fleece and D de mand better market salt lake city the national I to con bention allen ol of wool woul growers in session 1 in salt lake city january 10 1 to 0 13 in ii domed tile the idea of seeking a am stand dilation ot of wool of petitioning the department of agriculture to fix is a definite standard on no wah wool should be sold old on the american america markets market and ad further re resolved alved to a ask sit congress to appropriate 3 ON 00 to aid in gaining earning control over I 1 P predatory mile y animal and od to ask the off dit mr tnt rent slates t ates to maha k appropriations or the same purpose to urpo the united states bureau of animal industry to conduct export ments meats to determine the most meet economical method ot of feeding sheep on an the ills range to candea condemn not the gai corn ittes ot at the house of represent depre sen ta A fives at washington for far disallowing an ap P of 20 tor for the indall b lish ment ot of an experimental farm and expressing the hope that the senate committee c olitte would allow the ion A that flock masters have their wool graded at shearing pens pledged support supper t t to a the secretary ot of the interior 1 la I 1 no matter after ot of laving trails through the n I forets forests |