Show tell telescope pa history hillery it was not lot until that D doctor far hooke hooste perfected the first reflecting telescope 1 ID which the spectrum spectra we was perforated BO a that objects could be lowed by directly nt at the them so thimia the ar ear of 1777 the tol toleson telescope esop le in I 1 the t is heads handi of successive astronomers met a nod d opticians contained many any chun chancis changis ind la in wll wit antil liann a beischel Hei schel began the he camet construction ruction of a tip ep corium at powerful in charnel character t felt ind ad 40 feet in total 1 ath the ob I 1 server being placed in a sent 11 1 near bear M atie other her end of the tube be a and viewing g t the zoe bif flaa 1 in age aos th through alth h fh alifi of e eye gle with th this ted telescope cope P cour complete ed I 1 in a abl objects a ere magnified 11 1 ld 6 times time and 0 on th the I 1 right night it MS amoul he herthel 1 CI its the a sixth satellite Il lile ot of the saturn |