Show missionary LETTER th the following letter is from elder C E riddle of escalente ale to a cs close friend of the editors editor and well known by a large nua itier of iron county people great falls montana jan 18 1917 mr alex H rollo parowan carowan utah dear brother your kanii kind letter was received last evening and contents contenta were noted with great pleasure I 1 am always I 1 triad glad to find that I 1 have friends in my work and the friends which I 1 made while at school indeed without friendship life would be barren and without the gospel plain life would ll 11 be barren many times timea do I 1 thank our heavenly for the tight light and intelligence I 1 have been given in diw of the fact that hf he he has thus blessed blamed me I 1 feet fee that it is the least I 1 can do in return to do my beet beat in a helo a to spread the gospel tb the joy y and satisfaction is inestimable and can only oe no enjoyed by the tabor labor in the work and oil the more one works and the greater the vim with which he undertakes a thing the more he learns to love the world and the cause and to understand the reason why our savior laid down his life that we might be saved his hia love or his bretherd br ethern and sisters amao was to BO great that he was wiling to sacrifice his life as it were and suffer death that we might live he was waa a god and had power to clothe his hia spirit again with that indeed it is a wonderful plan and it ft I 1 is wonderful that he should die for us that he would r so go much for us flat but we are taught that hewko he who loveth not knoth not god for god is love thus thu la IS it not natural that we a mortal wh who p have that love but par partly ti v developed or in a very small degree of what jesus jeans possessed is isit it not mature natural I 1 and necessary that we sacrifice a a I 1 little ittle tor for the tha love of the gospel gospe and mankind I 1 was transfer transferred red here to great falls falla after a week in portland and am enjoying my labors first rate I 1 am certainly finding joy and satisfaction in my labors labora I 1 I 1 received one copy coper of the timm times h hut u t h received any since I 1 be m may i y be transferred again so I 1 suppose it would be better to have it come still to E madison st portland ore and it will be forwarded to me I 1 certainly tamy appreciate your kindness me I 1 will be pleased to hear from you any time with best wishes I 1 remain sincerely your friend elder C E riddle |