Show START FOR WINTER LAYERS ear early y ballets pallets should bom be in cold weather quarters some ome weak before they begin eg n to lay the cold weather vi will III soon be here again so now nevi is the time to get even 5 thing ready tor far wintering ailt fing the laying stock april and it may pullets pullet will ill start to lay about the first of novem bul or even 8 sooner or and they should be in their wl winter n ter quarters several weeks before thy start to lay the most important thing and the one most frequently neglected b by y the average former farmer is to have the wl winter quarters properly cleaned and dis infected aft after being thoroughly wata cleaned out they should ile be watte a palled the w hitce ansh I 1 Is best beat mide do from fresh efin lime and ad applied plied slide hot with a P I motor to or force pump imin about 0 6 or 8 per par cout cent of crude carbage carbolic acid 1 is added to the wash on also so a 0 small all pall pail of buttermilk added to each barrelful makes it stick bet bar ter ear everything movable 1 in the house should be a taken out and dis infected when fresh straw or shai inga Is put into the nests core bad fresh litter latter on the floor the house I 1 is perfectly clean and healthful tor for the reception of win ter I 1 layers yere it tb has s bee been u belle believed v ed by ganv poul paul t brynien and investigations seem to bear out the belief that hens aich which molt late are am better winter vinter layers titan own those which ulden molt early ihaas bech hens w aich in bolted molted tied 1 in august and ad are now starting or have star started t ad to lay are likely to stop agalli again when olum the cold fit weather sets in n so now 1 la the me time to pick out the hens bens to keep over winter all males should be kept separate fr from the females until breeding season so opens as it gives them a better chance to produce vigorous stock n otlien hen it is wanted |