Show the public be damned P policy ACY is still in force on some same roads among which might be mentioned the chicago alton yes yea wet well all be thankful now the election is over and thata why thanksgiving always comes the lat fat ter part of naye november some men i we iv know of are willing to admit their wives are a th e b beyer V or halves because they always alway win the batt half of the dut Agu argument nent ment once in a abile bile a disgruntled person threatens to sue a paper fur far li it be bel this is 13 an indication that the piper paper is traveling so last fast that it needs to sport an excuse 0 our or duat us t pennant just like polite automo bile owners do twenty wyen seven renewals was the record for the times last week the business of some men see seema to be to fool themselves but they cant fool their family physician at imy any rate damsels w with it h super per ultra high skirts dont always al wa Vs land fe fellows flows with high ideals ur or high in ti ts texas and oklahoma turkey gob alers blera are already on the way east to be sold as fresh stuff for Thanks gi ving A new disease among some of the farm hands in utah county is wanting to go to the movies in an auto mobile just like the boss bass over in europe they ranks make a specialty of destroying bridges while ne in arun county are strong b disposed to build as many new ones ansas as the tax money will allow I 1 A kiss makes a hit bit with a roisa miss provided ashes your wife or your sweetheart every girl should have a bau but you cant blame some for being careful yes yea election is over and everything serene now get ready for far thanksgiving the next move of our a or law makers maker ought to be state w wide ide prohibition of tobacco well what do you think about it nowa do you believe that the beat man won in the election 7 say won wont it be jolly when utah goes 9 SA entirely drye d rv no more boose iab to be a had for love or money from what can be judged in many towns with the naked eye family worship has been div given e A over to card playing another wonderful experience for an editor is to think of two fine its items and forest one a of them while the other is being watten by law t the figure of liberty and the american eagle eagie must be on all coins please pease note that the eagle is 13 apparently always at liberty to fly way away according to the pledge made to the people by t those h ase who were elected yesterday they will elastically and energetically for state wide will wide a prohibition good and we hope t they hev succeed it has always been our expend experience that the most moat aggravating question to ask sit a newspaperman I 1 is happened anything startling arth mgt 7 P put at yourself in his hup place lae and tell him happened and then wait for the paper 1 I never played cards card until I 1 was as 60 years old says a lady in an ad that reminds us that old aid fashioned ind aed grandmothers grand mothers used to knit stockings at that age but evidently they get any thanks for far it and now they have taken to cards troubled with bedbugs bedbug then write to the U S department of agriculture for bedbug bulletin no you should do this on A the sears score of efficiency because you may be able to make in six hours sleep go as an far as aa nine at present A man came to tas town A the other day with a new idea against hunger he said tightening the belt will ma make ke it disappear or at least east tay lay low for awhile local men will P please lease remember this when their wives are at the club or have taken a day off A reader asked us th the other day if f we believed charley chaplin really kot a year for making a fool of himself our answer was waa that we call cal ch charley arley a list liar because we had never read of char ky ILY making such a claim to the best of our knowledge his hia adver using manager is alto damiri agent one pro prominent nent parowan carowan man remarked thusly the other day after seeing youny young people of other towns dance I 1 have come came to the conclusion that our parowan carowan boys and kirla girls sire are not a so bad in fact they appeal to me a as being more gentlemanly and ladylike lady like than some I 1 know of in other towns we expect that by the t time a aug 1 1917 rolls around utah will be ushered into the state wit wide prohibit twit society send your taxidermy work and hides for dressing to the most reliable and roost most reasonable place in the state slate we guarantee every elege to be absolutely mothproof and free from odor price list and photos free K SCHWARZ 25 so 3 ard 3rd rd west sal salt t lake city opp 0 S L depot adv tf all the latest magazines on sale at parowan carowan drug ally adv |