Show for sale eighty acres of rood good land right in the heart of the artesian water belt 40 acres fenced with net wire 35 acres acrea plowed small well on land and house with a 20 square rod yard adjacent for further particulars enquire of RALPH MYERS ADV parowan carowan utah directory intending to take telephones in the near future should contract now that their names way may go into the DIRECTORY THE IRON CO TELEPHONE co cc two city lots jus east the dave barton property one good work team and pasture in n north field for futher inform information ion and prices price see HUGH MATHSON adv tf LOST dark gray 2 year old filly branded J H combined with quarter circle over and bar under on left thigh finder will receive 5 reward by bv notifying DELB DELBERT E RT SMITH parowan carowan utah FOR SALE pasture and straw on connell farm for furthers particulars enquire of adv L H carpenter parowan carowan Pa rowan unlit free your fare to codar city FREE come and order your fall suit of clothes A J the tailor adv af tf parowan carowan times 1 50 per year FOR RENT 6 roomed house hour barn etc will accept pt work such as plowing for rent mot W W MITCHELL night Op operator wanted apply to manager iron county telephone company FOR RENT 5 roomed house re dently renovated enquire of MRS G W EATOUGH use white pine tar cough syrup for that winter cold get it at the parowan carowan drug store adv the use of a work horse to exchange for a saddle addle animal GEORGE MITCH MITCHELL ELL timber sate sale t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbt th he a slate bord of leed luid will offer 1 public tol bleed B ul it the front id door of the county uc court rt bouw houw kt P I 1 broo G gm county m utah on N november WYN IT 11 t i 0 clock p m th timber be ate d described on section 12 tb Town T ihlo b W south th ruf reme 8 W wet 8 L M i pacified A herein ho 0 ittle ib no bid d will be t lee in ahm a 12 GO 50 per M feet B S U X eed tb the binl th and 11 II offer th olT trine nd d to A 2340 nd other ija the ule of timber nd the timber li to b form motion bee within bi ta time U w be by the suf ayd of and d ct commer air bidden amt t th detede nd the wee bailee upon biilna the the contract t 0 acer the uta 1 1 ii proved by the slat boad rd of er lend ce or acure uld eid lelm by a note nd d bond 4 cef to umber for f ule on S he e rid w matlon d feet B M uld eod it timber fw from dij acton li subject blett to te LeeN Roste P STATE BOARD OF LAND no commissioners by win W J lynch lma S v im firt 0 oct ra 1 abt 0 o NOT 15 E re liston listen harness and shoe maker harness oiled died and repaired shoe repairing a specialty jarry I 1 carry 1 I in stock ck harris harness saddles collars bridles etc per eteh A PLEASANT EVENING FOR LITTLE MONEY three nights each week the rex gives the best in filmdom sp special features every saturday night our films come from the world and migual companies noted the world 0 over v er for producing the best in silent dr dramas arnas comedies etc bring the family and let them enjoy themselves admi admission ii only 10 cents lawrence adams proprietor IF YOU HAVE A job of cement work that you want done properly and at a price you can reach see aee we ire I 1 am prepared to do any kind of cement work from building a bridge to a house cement pavement a specialty THOS LAWRENCE UTAH RANDALL L L J ONES JONES gi ARCHITECT member Mi of I 1 uth utah Aco allocution cieu of f architect CEDAR CITY UTAH TG T G ECKLES painter visinte paper hanger and decorator G estimates tt F hd air 11 kinds kind of work PAROWAN UTAH M J macfarlane M D Phy ticie sg surgeon CEDAR crry CITY UTAH offices in knell block over cedar city drug store MAKE YOUR FINAL PROOFS and do land business with W WARNER MITCHELL u itrice court P toe lan nil set the benefit in of I b hit I 1 four year expert abc w 11 him bortny Y E M decker 0 D optometrist makes regular r visits vis is to paro par 0 wan gab fitted and guaranteed repairing and lenses duplicated offic 1 in T tolton M block ibee oceh 1 DR F J BURTON physician surgeon per Pa marown rown utah unit omner in new chirr building Buil dinc Co ceibo Ibo hour 9 to 12 L m 0 office H houn 2 to be 5 p m LEON L ECKLES instructor in voice and violin studio at re residence indence tel I 1 JOHN S BROWN contractor and builder parowan carowan Pa rowan utah high class work at all 11 times satisfaction Saha faction given if you C contemplate t ciple the er erection of C cottage i b sure md nd set get roy my eunuce I 1 CAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS IF YOU WANT strictly first fing class watch clock or jewelry repairing done clone hy by an expert of 30 years experience and guaranteed send to E M DECKER F formerly 1 I y with the boyd park jewelry house of salt lake leave your work with dave barton bartolt parowan carowan Pa rowan utah doralla do De ralla Caval cream depara separators torr world a standard machines absolutely sol guaranteed for prices alq and terms L ca write wm P barton agent Peir Mh moh uth utah ALSO OPERATES AUTO STAGE LINE daily service between paragonah Para gonah genah and cedar carries passengers and light express EV riding cd car nd licensed Lice nied d driver P partie deem to make P trip will eal bo be bec eec adata gatei hk nd d C cilar ch clr taij I 1 get your lumber S before winter sets it we have II 11 1 I plenty and in all dimensions Q careful and prompt attention 7 J given to all bills large or small 11 afi walterc C PAROWAN ulah f ts i WE SAVE YOU MONEY M 1 ri yo you need drugs drug sundries toilet articles Artic lei etc i constantly bantly and naturally you want to secure them from the e you moat at reliable source ce possible you also alao want to save money on your purchase and we can tell you how deal with the parowan carowan drug company our goods are cheaper and of as a good quality as you 1 j cao a a ge get t by sending to said lake city or elsewhere if 1 you live out of town send acrid us your orders for whatever 1 you want and we will fitl fill it 1 and prepay parcel postage at no expense to you our prescription counter is presided over by a qualified registered pharmacist and you can rest natured that your wants in the Pharris line will be attended to promptly and with proper care mail your Y 0 or orders to the PAROWAN DRUG COMPANY parowan carowan Pa rowan utah mw les children should save teach your children early in life the value of thrift this habit if formed early will nev ei be outgrown parents should give them it a start open an recount account with us ua in the youngster orva name give him the bank book and tell him what it is and what it means meang then encourage age him to hosae sane his pennies the result will you one dollar dallar opens an account bank of iron county PAROWAN UTAH capital and surplus OFFICERS DIRECTORS as L N meredes Me P L K N anden adens win adiar win adorni Vice Prel E t alduk U uy J CN bell coirier cech wm W H lm john JAC C sab re R e johnb J R abb gass gS SS for hair and scalp trouble nothing better 1 try it at HALF PRICE for two weeks I 1 per pint it has haa the foam Clo cleansing ansing power 1 j and put panty ity I 1 want everyone to try i a pint 1 bottle of and the reason reagon ill 1 I 1 CUT THE PRICE TO 25 CENTS A PINT INT j razors for sale honed boned and ground new sami a i ples plea of suits and overcoats to choose from cut Gua guaranteed ranted fit and are right j I 1 A W DRILL at barber shop ladi ladies es and nd genta cents suits cleaned and Preci pressed cd sed I 1 MRS A W DRILL j i WANTED i you to come and get fresh beef and t mutton aluston at the 11 CITY MEAT MARKET 1 l the best always aa ays on sale and cut to I 1 suit you sanitary shop and cour I 1 leous treatment at all times 1 i john A davenport prop parowan carowan Pa rowan utah 1 i ss ss 1 sm za BRING YOUR HIDES PELTS I 1 to the parowan carowan I 1 annety where you can get apt the highest cash pi in ice foi them and remember that you can buy the lawt best in 1 chiomo and vegetable loathed patronize home industry wm win pritchard carowan parowan Pa rowan utah pay by the and get a rebate of awen five cents a Telen telephone hone IRON COUNTY TELEPHONE CO |