Show HELP HE FOR F WORKING WOMEN some have to keep beep on until if they the almost 1 most drop how ow mrs a conley got ot help elp here hera is letter from a woman who had bad to work out but was too weak and suffered too much to erstin continue how ih she regained lassoed health fraud frankfort far 4 hy 1 I buffered so much I 1 with female forma weakness that I 1 could amid not do my own work had ad to hire him it doe done I 1 heard BO a much about lydiaa pinkham a vegetable BE compound that t stradi t mrs bottles and I 1 found it to be all you claim 1 now I 1 if byl eel as well as ever I 1 did and sol am able to do all my own work again I 1 recommend it to any woman suffering buffering train from female bealin weakness be you may 7 P 1 you w wish call mrs JAMES cab SL st cl ciatur r N no a woman buffering from any form of female fern a 1 troubles kroutil be should be id lose I 1 hope until ehe be b has s given give lydia E cudih Pin khama a vegetable to ble compound carillon is a ajr fair trial TB famous remedy mon Y the medicinal ingredients of which are derived train from dative roots to and b herbs erbal has bas for forty years proved to ble tonic be nd ill invigorator of the r female ba organism rg A all women are ace to write to th the e elvdia ILL planking pinkham nedi 0 cine o C co L lyrin you mass for fee special it will be confidential nerves all on edge juet mt aa serve nerve wear if a omoo of kidney k on BO is IB kidney trouble a cause of f amone a b ho he has bade back ache loor blues bead headache aa a dizzy palls acdal urinary ill ilia and ad abirad tired worn feel feeling a would old do well 11 to t tr do doan a kidney pilla pill th ahr bate of mile his ble remedy B is recommended by the thou sen dancla det who ha have had relief her from plat buch am h troubles co lible leg A utah case m ch charles rise W aa addla quincy 11 ae 0 a clatl 77 B baya a 1 heay 11 fill liftin e was wa responsible lor for abl trouble alth us my my back gol i I 1 lame and acro 11 and ra B a dull dh ache in my loina N copt me I 1 in se misery s hen a I 1 tried to lift 11 ct sharp pains com fie I 1 zed me and I 1 got aeri ieri g the ald kidney e ancie if alon oer were unnatural rat I 1 too five b bobea of do i kidney pill effected acore a cura AS store DOANS ILLS 1 FOSTER NY N Y the army of constipation 1 I G growing gg g smaller er E every r day CARTERS LITTLE 6 LIVER PILLS am are ifT responsible t they J 1 I relief I 1 j thoy they a CT ft emly a mabo na lions hors u s a e lv 9 the or lih e 5 d ck H d li sallow skin SMALL SMAL L PILL DOSE SMALL PRICE genuine must most bear be signature WT ever every woman W want FOR PERSON PERSONAL A H HYGIENE ciul a 1 in EL for douche top ase pat pelvic catarrh an nd ad inglam ft action by ludm E pah sled med f co for I 1 I 1 yr A beat healing ser w drcar for ma abo arli or tor ar eye ay y economical H d dt mad nd iradj iia i dj pc power cupl fm ill 11 II cr it pahi bf oil cl cam PUT balod M J LOSSES SORELY SITO LACK BLACK by gette CUTTER 1 BILL hilll flo ill I 1 will tor lt IB alil ai 0 00 fiodar pin pi K 0 V c n al B rt im lotrnr Brt lT 5 V U R 8 11 HAIR 1 0 BALSAM SAM A a 01 berlt gilem to CF dUL tar color aul ge or fuji clr mc an uz ria m z V W N U salt a lake city no a fi 19 L THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE 50 aso ICA S S save M money by wearing wih W L j 1 douglar gl h FRI d ed the he rest bert K known S shoes use m th the world W WL L does dougla name br and id the cretul price I 1 stamped on d the bot bob berkof tom of all show at the factory yos the v value as 11 guaranteed nadana and the wearer protected aguet haq high puce price for hod the brud are the lame ta they coat no mow in sm franciaco Fran citco than they don do U new baak yaak they are alwawi yet worth didi the pro paid find for far them atie quality of W L dougla product il guaranteed by more than 40 experience in in fine the inart style are the m the centrex of anodes tb they are made in we well equipped f fw factory w at B brockton mat by di the lc a paid under the and of pov d men all L with an contat all I 1 to no biake the dia I 1 bat hoe for the p picc that money con can buy ante conr dealer iha W I 1 if b he cannot cano yon 0 walh o the kind kd yos joa want t take ks no 0 other nealie for booklet 0 o hoi to eat the d at e ay far the price ay y return aril freo LO LOOK K FOR Z W I 1 loca bay 0 S sh mma nd ad th ano I 1 pr anca as r f q jn in 11 t f nn on th 0 b bottom acaya ask for and get 9 THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI 36 3 6 hy too fm are SKINNER R MFG CO OMAHA ulal cg IH sa BAD complexion MADE GOOD who when all rise else fails by soap and ointment trial free fla it if you u are troubled with pimple pim plea ilah black beada alls red rough itching and ad burning which disfigure your cinn or ideal and ad bill shin Cuti cura cars soap and ointment will do much to holp you th the soap to cleanse bud and purity purify the me 0 ointment I 1 true t to soothe and bee free ea ample each by mail with do book it address postcard curcura Cul loura cura dept 4 beat boston sold everywhere adv important to mothers mother examine carefully carel every bottle battle at that f camons I 1 old remedy for infants and children and see that it R bears esthe the f y p sig Sien ot in use tor ter over 30 years yeara children ch cry for fletcherd fletchers Flet chera chers castores cantona Caa Ca tona I 1 jill hill inn mil inn table dainties from sunny climes 11 hawaiian asparagus pineapple california ouid and rma gus mr from tropical hawaii it home of the sweetest most hi luscious pineapple comes the one and california where the lie asparagus grows gram supplies the other ile libby care a and cleanliness back of oe both is a walcutt of a product that will you insist on libby libbi s of your grows grocer s libby abb abby ubby Y chi chicago go A GRATEFUL OLD LADY mrs mr A G clairem CIe Cle meus irem NN t at alexan dr dir pa writes I 1 have used dodds dodd a kidney pills also N diamond dommi dinner pills before using ig the them I 1 bad suf of f feied rd tor for a umber number of yea years alth ath backache irs Os alao t b a spots p of OB eplee bm and it I 1 bad d at I 1 if times black loafing floating ip B p e ek c k a bea before e my holy of ees I 1 also had hm in buno base and heart trouble since blue using this medicine I 1 int bee been M amri A rel relieved loved of my suf of iring it 1 Is agreeable gre to me a far or you to paid publish 1 this letter I 1 am glad to lune hes an opportunity to so bay y to all it who h ire as I 1 have d dune me tint I 1 obtained by using dodds lud kid ney y pill palls and ad diamond di dinner r pills pill D bodda idle tidy kidney pills pill pr box at our or deal dealer or dodds bodda medicine a 0 buff buffalo N Y dodds Dy dyplin plIa tablets for indigestion Ini figes on bao ba been proved praed per tacia bosi ad adv wk at W 1 y fa ft h HT fl for coyat skunk U AN furst 0 can oban n alae na Q cominer ana charo 1 and we jacj you TA TRAPS P NUA AT FACTORY GT 0 R Y PRICES alt cuir I 1 ill 1 t rode bottem inea can famor SIc phlim A wr wa BK aba larent dirice abuyen of rw in buc it cm a f four matic 2 10 fo daya qu acker far Trop Tt auld bopple I 1 camace and lc trapp aff nd low co for W 11 w pric allt h p if a E ea A a MB a fg lee learn t to a maka spain I 1 duhs FREE box of at CHILE MIXTURE t with directs di to for in inken chil and ad oth other r 12 it 1 bahee sand good BO a money a oida aw box today wilt 1 I wl W III A UIE naf DYE cam JA nut cake is simply delicious when made with RG 16 BAKING POWDER pure healthful economical the highest grade of baking powder possible to buy and your money refunded if it fails to satisfy ask your dealer jaques mfg mag co chi chigo chicago go |