Show filgis MARINE f E alexander powell lair author ly ir 0 of the ne end of the trail fighting in flanders the ne road to glory vwe la in france etc from the notion att picture be RY puy of the S sunt beote AY the fam auf C comply lobac cah ian SYNOPSIS lint in darvs I 1 hope ij detailed by in t acl mt state naval ain board old to biff to ml it report hla 11 1119 19 1 on the n n r jralph pit burke it 1 d eer serves 1 to br bring the he hiruo a I 1 to a aw I 1 a ot or P perfection vla fill on the llen 11 1 1 1 I malvee I 1 in I ani 1 IB welcomed id d 1 by the ln antor and ad uh hla daughter ZI r cleo on ahn trial out trip ill 1 of t I 1 1 In 11 B bat boat thap japanese helper 1 IB ur or irlam fa tl e net f of examining th 11 ate tion dim d im p reports r favo 7 rahl 0 on graild the he new ev doll device III but there are others 1 h interested in xe it an at tempt to bulga 11 cortor c ru burke 8 labor atory falls I 1 but aier C aeo oeo finds do him han mur do E dered i tn hla bedroom it in cleo cells or lier r 1 aft in beek to lo gt ft money later at lit he finds and ft act nott it from which she he learna 1 ithe they contain alie caret I iwo formula wo with hope she facea to t the auctioneer alu r B ann store only to he 0 find it 1 in a flames ale le olsa banoff and gerald co borton I 1 faw isales in I ih bearch h of 0 alt forni formula ull attempt to capture apt tt cleo W when e rhe fhe calls it al to tha hc h c of s teeb a lif sj te 0 I 1 athu hope rahm to h her 0 fullil mor tr ion dhoot he in at ined him hot but in the call bullet of alti hoich bomb in a the th calar which explores ill afe I 1 tn the anck k ot of in his house 0 the ob oterra hg hope an and d ch cleo attend it d ahr 00 oo E ft ball it at t urr delmar a whose ephen baa two of I 1 in the beoka manila a py I 1 to breal I 1 the bocha but la iyua discovered d TUU by hop 1 in th ill tc I 1 1 detrent I 1 that I follow tatt oh book 1 a up maella b hope on and clo B boat for car an land island out I 1 in the b agy alid the el 14 tallow 1 in too boata mahlan a hi in ind and tho the turn out the tatt hand llant mor ivet ac on i boat t with in the coun to teai ft way 10 line 1 in a the pay day SEVENTH installment for the ahr three c a in the little launch it ft v was be a night of matur eatable terror the elements united to destray thene them the w wind ad howled heated and the sea bee roared like mo monsters naters erB ravening for or the their r prey but at last a put pale taint faint I 1 light began beean to oTers Dread the east eastern sky it we waa a old cold stay gray it down but to those in the launch it wel was the most meet beautiful that they had ever been for or it at showed how if them the misty minty outline of Z son an lelaud I 1 rising not half a mile away adore be the term leaked lashed son thata that not at middle island old bald M U any an Y intently if tt it was waa we ve could old real bee the radio station it latest be one ona ot of the north Faral Far allons lizza id im lot like an bugl ugly y shore to land in with a wind like this blowing sut nut el as t chev he forged slowly nearer they s saw aw aft anh it relief list that what but ap p placed from a di dJs tand to be b solid rampart of rock wait vai broken here bud and thew by fissures which widened into drw and ad trial inlets 1 id and that bat th these cores care and ad ioleta let be had it for the be most meet part randy all chorea on which a email small boat uch ench I 1 theirs could be boulb beached with out but grioua bonter of being ame wrecked cited just a RB the first rays ray 0 of the a rising an RUB gild elidea elided it the tops top ot of the claffa if the far launch glided between the b barrier int into the 9 smooth M cath waturs of a one of f a these bovea V and hope staggered ashore he with cleo tn in his wool Ms laying her gently on an th the shingle he hb a tripped 1 off f I be her shoes ban while Mor lesey ir hastily collected collated a pill pile of net ile driftwood atwood and saturated it with gas olibe soon sam they were vwe w warming bg their that down dow down H hb went straight as ai an I 1 A arrow chilled bodies and benumbed barnacled limbs bo be f sor blind blaring a 9 him fira la in the beat bass of the cliff behind them ce centuries of erosion them thad bad produced produce d cars cave al ae largo large as a good gold sized fied room roam ead and into this thia cave v hope hop ind and morino r y carried the culli cushions dons from the launch ind and some amme tarpaulins whick which they found 1 in one of the lock ilea en now ald cleo bald it hope yen had bad boner battle it co 1 in mid 1 madr andrem and dry your clot clothed lais in front of the fire it if you don dont we will have ft a girl with penn I 1 Us on our bands while ym yen u are g ett 1 dry Mor mornion fion y and I 1 w will ill 11 try t to climb 4 alb to the top of f the cliff aliffi and ad ese it if there Is r say aay food or shelter on the island the ase ascent it ot of the cliff proved even 1 R in more re diffin difficult u it than hope had anti for though he and penetrated 1 several of the tha fl ree in the expatiation of finding a pat path it to t tho I 1 top t they I 1 canda came each time to 11 nar raw re row crevices cre vice vicea or ure elbl walls of rock thir their patience was eventually ada rw rewarded it however by discovering covering ft narrow W and precipitous trail which led the them after half an hour e lard climb ing to the tableland atch formed the ach r roof 00 as it were of the idland ad thas the boat ben t thing for us to do moria sey bey said cald hope is to separate 1 atou on follow the if una of the cliffin 1 CT direction and ad ill go in the other antell vac e II 11 work right found around until ill we meet at each other again A aye eye aye sir I 1 said bald Mori obediently and off he started for early in an b hour hopa hop walked beadily tea dlly dily clambering oer or rock and ad bovier boulders bowl bovI ders dr pushing his hi a way through d dense de e underbrush ind brizee scrambling alg at across r vines ravines so wild ao 0 deer deserted ted was waa the appearance of the i island 1 ad that the young officer me had bad almost abandoned hope of it its beef having any inhabitants inhabitant when reminding ng ft a shoulder Bh of rock he sona saw the tha skyline the figure of a man in response rea to hope a shout about the stranger ft a tall eun bronzed man ot of middle age go came cram blics down the rocky hillside 1 I had no an idea that there we waa say any one edge OB an the lead island 11 he said aid in a pleasant well modulated voice W ahat hat at are you doing over or here bar melling fishing no bald hope hop 1 I an a shipwrecked hip cited aller and though I 1 im in not exactly tarring starving I 1 will be it 11 1 I be have to to go without food much longer bud and ha be related briefly their experiences Pell neen 1 in the storre and how they had bad found refuge on the I 1 9 aland by the ills way ho be added do you yen happen to have any gasoline W we can t get away from here until unit I 1 w we gaa get boma 1 I can g give v you and your mends friend ab some g t to 0 tat bat was waa the wever answer but 0 ill I 1 haven have t any gasoline I 1 in only here because of the bronn I 1 came over at from middle wall island I 1 in a skiff yesterday morning intending to in make itman and it go back in the afternoon you OG he be ex Pl pla ined almal ind 1 m 1 in the coast at flurkey by jove 1111 exclaimed 1 hep stop b ping ire deal dead then you I 1 in must t know knew all the IR in roan we re looking for far he in the coast t surrey 7 t too 00 his name Is 18 fita lem maurico r arh arthur or fitzmaurice ya you re talking to him was the an 6 awer er that happens happen to be my name came well wall I 1 it be hanged hope ie talk about having luck here we a are re mine so burke r it and ad I 1 I 1 hip chip wrecked on an a rock it I 1 in the pacific and ad the the only person on that rock la Is the man in we wave ve been homing bunting tor fall I 1 I 1 was told by tin an auctioneer named dawson ason in be san francisco that last week weak you bought three books ot of him at auction they were scientific works on hy dro graphy it I 1 remember alg rightly illy right you are laid bald the oth other er it Is in my line you anc know BO an when I 1 saw these theae books on an tb the auction list that daema lent cent me I 1 went want over to his hia place and bid them I 1 in they came a from the library ot at a 1 dr r burke burk dido didat t they yes yen eald aid hope and ad it its dr burke B daughter who ho la Is walling waiting down at t the cove I 1 suppose you left the books over oa middle island no said it happens happen that two of the books are hero her 1 in my shack I 1 brought them along yester day intending to look them over but 11 I 1 W was s BO be dead tired last night that I 1 did dlan i even a open pe the them th the third book t isn an t hert here im borry to say but you can get it without much trouble I 1 l loaned ld d it to a friend dr emerson sol frimd 0 owen wen who lie lives at a little place called tied handsboro Sand a oa the mainland when mobil and ad batausa had bull extinguished bed the light on southeast island after tha lighthouse keeps keeper they were as certain that they had pe permanently ridded kidded themselves of hope hop and ad cie cheo as though they had seen been their lifeless bodies washed upon the shore share ibe nert morning the term storm having bated abated they set but out at fall for middle island inland 1 in search earth ot at fit fitzman I 1 rice only to team learn from ill tha officer office r in I 1 charge of the radio die station that ib the me man for whom they were ere looking lacking had bad left the day before for one a of the north F allums and ad that he be had bad not yet returned evidently Y be having ing been delayed by the term by meana mean ot at be 9 chart the officer showed ill them the island on which they would probably find FAR ainah aad indicated a lacall harbor I 1 in which were bo be on th ill s la Is land they would old find and bit boat an ahmad about the same time therefore thern forer that hope cleo and Mori Mor flacy were drying themselves before their fairl at t OB out end of the aind mahlin alia 4 satsuma Sit temps were landing from fro their that launch at th the other end though there them was no on one la in sight when the two conspirators handed they noted alena is of r recent t r bl blettle ettla operations operation presumably for the a of improving the th little I 1 harbor while on the share bad be been erected whit ft red rudo ac h hut at tor for the storage ot at the workmen a tools so little its aa there to tear fear from marauders in this thia remote spot that there was not hot even clen a lock lack on the door ot of the whose he only contents contact as an mobil mahila f found it up upon in iii beati gallon were some aoma picks share a chec ob A keg heft or of nails nada few wco colla he of wire and a box marked dynamite following the directions direction given give the them by the officer at the radio station billion they followed the precipitant footpath which led fr from the landing ad it U up the rocky slope to the plateau twenty minutes of BUR climbing brought the them to the shack hack wit where are so BO they had been told they would wool probably find staying th the shack hack I 1 flimsy affair of rough lumber hung literally between be sea and sky for half bait ot of it reeled bated on the rock while the other half which was wa supported by a framework of light timbers 0 er hung the ill ocean bee them a to to no response minutes to his knock mahila finding the door un ad locked lusted entered the cabin though tho the single room which aich it contained aird was 1 vacant the remains main of R meal meeta on the table and the rumpled blankets on the he bunk bank which vaa v a aa built against tho the wall together with the odor ot of to co smoke showed that it bad been very r recently occupied suddenly set sat suma nine who had bad been prowling about the room conce gave an all to here hem are am the he booke he cried holding up two bulky balky leather bound blood volumes ime wahan snatched the them from fr him your you re right he be said bald they r re the very a bank wa were after he limits broke off abruptly and stood listening 1 I 1 thought I 1 heard moices be will perd laying 1 the books on the table stepping to the door he caught sight of hope hop and it ap pro the cable cabin oration rhual I 1 started mahlin we didell t drown that confounded na val 0 officer a fine after all here he cornea bud and be a 4 got a man with him bring those f woof r c ir it e V 0 70 t t I 1 I 1 the shack toppled bodily lot the sea books long along satsuma well wall have to make a break for it and he be darted out of tho the cabin the japanese p jag orly only long enough to snatch up the tb books to tol loved As aa he appeared in the door way Y of the lia shack hope recognized him by BT heaven heaten he ha cried wo its satan ma ins and he ha dashed forward with at hla his hunts heels but beblin and Udd did net cot walt await them the former formal tied fled down do the path rib leading to the tha harbor where they had left their launch while the japanese ingmen an twill barlly c confused fined by hope HODS a appearance turned ind and ran blindly 1 in the opposite direction ill tal take the th 11 hop beat it to ditzon lim he 8 got get the book I 1 in after you ton attend to the other tel tat low law the tha chase which followed led ala across al a a country broken hy by unexpected out cropping of rocks by st strat chea of lease cooee stones by enormous crags and boulders bowl bwl ders dB it led across des and ad other bill aides carpeted carpet rd with ill wild suddenly he hen his pursuer we was only is a few pact he be hind bind him Sat BUina swerved and dashed it down a no narrow path which apparently promised promised a means of sleep escape but in a lead of at leading 1 s dut 1 down the cliff a a he it had it supposed BUp posed it ended abruptly on a a precipice bordered headland the jap anese could go no further farther 1 behind him was a pursuer who whom he knew to be retention relentless before him a dizzy peso precipice plea ind and it at the tha toot ot of it fest feet below the sea hope confident that satsuma could not race now aado escape was waa advancing on an him determinedly when all ai at once the tha oriental whipped out st a pistol there wed a flash and tiling bang and a bullet ballot rang ing past pant hope hopia 6 head ff he throw threw himself against is a rock meli and nd be a ho be did no III a second land but bul let ff flattened atene against t it whenever he sh owed Satsu Slut roa hads pistol pat angrily hops hopa kept count of 0 the daab and at the sixth math bo be sprang beraru for word ward recklessly ely th the japanese jamaica we ing away the tha empty pistol ran to the very edge of tho the cliff tie he still held the tha precious books in his bis hand hope divined his intention you might aa weli oil give up said batau in ma ha be called and if you yen destroy theio books it wilt will go all the harder with you come coma now hand them over you it 11 it sever ver get the iho 1 ink snarled ind the tha J japanese P a and ad with the word bardt be flung them I 1 into nt the abass bl h but III got you yen shouted hope beside himself with anger and he leaped at satsuma who told stood pol d on the tha precipice a very print IOU ou 11 II not get to ms fiber cither replied the Orl oriental oath aa oath and ad juat net as hope was about to dutch him ha turned and ad alop leaped down down down he ha went straight t as an arrow and aa gracefully at ily and as aa cleanly as an arrow OW he disappeared into the aea a A long moment elapsed before hope standing tan ding on the cliff above raw baw a sleek lack ill black it head bob ili above the water a and ad set satsuma |