Show I 1 tile the flavor lasts rosy cheeks bright teeth good appetites and digestions yes the reward for the regular use of Wrig leys is benefit as well as pleasure scaled kept right write wind wrigley jr co I 1 caca g 0 lor free copy of the w g e y guart eption book Is I 1 JI F chew it after every meat meal when the doctor says quit many tea or coffee drinkers ers find themselves in the grip of a halate habit and think they canut can t but they can easily by clu changing nging to the delicious pure plate food dank this fine meal cereal beverage can contains tins true nourishment but no caf caffeine fearse as do tea and coffee makes for comfort health end and efficiency theres a reason j 1 SWAMPROOT SWAMP ROOT STOPS SERIOUS BACKACHE mean your TOW back he nd ad your iii idd ier der and ad kidney leem a to on be do disordered darld re kiember bar it I 1 r needle to uffer go to ta yoner evarest drug store nd ad get a will bottle of dr hilmert hil meri swamp root riat ll it I 1 r I 1 c an prescription for far d a of th the kidner k doey kud ad bladder bidd it has bat stood the teat of years year and has fim K reputation Pu lation for quickly and id y giving I 1 in thousand thoU tanda of caus the was wa mad by dr kil ed met mer to in his private practice and aad vai we so sa very v ry affel effective til that it 11 he hai been placed it on bale 1 evo everywhere hr get a hot bottle beetle nd I 1 1 00 at t our nearest d apt however how r if you first to test teet this breit 1 I P preparation cd ten a rent cents to dr Ill kilmer near co ca binghamton N Y foi for elm bampie aw 1 b bottle ill vt 11 ls hen writing citing b be ture bud and mention pa this tha paper aa adv d |