Show the news new they want 1 I dont like those personal items in the paper said a banker neither do L I 1 said a lawyer nor L I 1 said a doctor A little questioning elicited the information that they did not like some same other things they did not like popular books popular magazines 1 I tried to get interested in a popular novel one once said the la lawyer and though I 1 tried for a week I 1 get through more than two or three chapters I 1 dont see how anyone possibly could read such buch stuff with pleasure and just to think the nove nosef he mentioned was one of the best sellers in vearel years within the space of several weeks the times met with three men like the above they were taken sen ar bously until it was learned from their women folks in the worse course of news gathering that their husbands husband are not to be trusted as guides for the limitation of the kind of news that should go into newspapers be sure to keep on publishing such news newa said the wife of one of them the things my husband reads beads dont interest me in the least and what I 1 read generally looks foolish to hint him but not to me yes the times timea must continue to publish the kind of news nine tenths tenth of its ita readers like we are sorry for the one tenth elith soil and often wonder if they get much out of life |